New Member
So I am newbie to diesels and got a decent deal on a 93 K3500 with a 6.5 TD. The truck didnt run when I got it but I only traded a table saw for it. I charged up a couple of batteries I had in the garage and threw them in there and it cranked over but no fuel. I have been doing a lot of reading I put about 4 gallons of fuel in the tank and primed the system up via a jumper wire going to the grey wire on the fuel pump relay and 12V. Got fuel at the filter finally and no air. Cracked a couple injector lines over and started to bleed of the system. got most the air out now. But in the process of bleeding the system etc and recharging batteries the truck no longer wants to crank over, it gets the WTS light and that goes out, turn to start position and nothing once in a while a little grrrr or a slow start but most the time nothing, also it seems it drains the battaries from a full charge down to nothing in about 10 seconds.... not sure if I should look at the starter or the ign switch. The battaries do load test good but I will charge them up and load test them again to make sure (I can take the batteries out of the deisel and put them in some other vehicles and they crank all day long..... ) any help would be greatly appreciated.