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6.5 destruction


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Well fellas the initial thoughts of the paint guy and the body shop guy are IT'S TOTALED!:frown5:
Pics say it all. Sad day but at least me, my son and my best friends son all walked away. A bump on the head for my son and sore muscles for all 3 of us today. I was traveling around 45 when I laid into the brakes, estimate about 20-30' of skid marks before T boning the car that turned left in front of us. The boys learned that you can do everything right while driving and still end up in a wreck. This also made a believer out of me for seat belts. Had we not had the belts on I think the boys would have had major head injuries. Remember guys,(young guys especially) these trucks weigh in over 5000 pounds so they don't stop on a dime. It even has a full tank. SUCKS!

Peace fellas.


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Wow... pictures and 1K words...

- Gripped the steering wheel a little hard, did we? Amazing how those suckers bend.
- Is that a streak on the Driver's Seat cover, right near that puckered spot?

Seriously, I am SO glad that you and the boys are OK, Bud. How is the other vehicle/driver?

I am a serious believer in the protective factor in these trucks... if you had been driving a Honda, it would be 3' long right now.
Part of the reason mine has a Buckstop up front now, praise the Lord gardian angels were on duty and just bad memories will remain and all are safe, air bags did not deploy ??? or not equipped with them that year???
Glad to hear everyone is alright. Trucks can be replaced, people can't. Leo
Glad to hear everyone's okay. Just another reason I'm a firm believer in heavy trucks. Just last week, I was in a near-miss similar situation, but thankfully, I was the following vehicle, and saw the car going for it (ran a stop sign), and he nailed the car in front of me. Thankfully everyone walked away, scared the crap out of me though. He was trying to beat me, didn't see the car, but had that car not been there, and had I not seen him, it would have been close, too close for comfort.

Very glad to see you're okay. Just another testimate to the strength and durability of these trucks. I'd rather have a big heavy truck with no safety equipment (other than seatbelts) than a little car with more airbags than horsepower.
Glad to hear you are ok...
Truck will deff. be totalled, the frame is bent, and at the age of these vehicles, that pretty much totals them...
Well fellas the initial thoughts of the paint guy and the body shop guy are IT'S TOTALED!:frown5:
Pics say it all. Sad day but at least me, my son and my best friends son all walked away. A bump on the head for my son and sore muscles for all 3 of us today. I was traveling around 45 when I laid into the brakes, estimate about 20-30' of skid marks before T boning the car that turned left in front of us. The boys learned that you can do everything right while driving and still end up in a wreck. This also made a believer out of me for seat belts. Had we not had the belts on I think the boys would have had major head injuries. Remember guys,(young guys especially) these trucks weigh in over 5000 pounds so they don't stop on a dime. It even has a full tank. SUCKS!

Peace fellas.
i guess you are a lucky fellow too,to walk away from it.
i had a wreck 2 years ago, have not taken pics from it,my wife said NO i dont want to be reminded. but yours has minor damage in comparison[ see 95 chevy in sig]
No that's not a streak smarty pants. :)
The other guy is fine, he was in a 2009 KIA that is smashed between the wheels. He had many airbags deployed.
No airbags in my truck other than me.:bigear:
One hand on the wheel, one hand making a shoulder restraint for my boy. I know it today as many muscles are sore.
Strength indeed, the truck held up great in my opinion since we're all walking and talking without a limp or a lisp. I had to give the door a good push with the old foot to get out but that's the nature of a front end collision.
Thanks everyone for the "Well wishes."
Lives for sure are irreplaceable!
I posted up the pics so everyone could see how they stand up to a frontal collision.
RC, glad you avoided a mess.

I fear that it's gonna take a lawyer to get it replaced. Other guy had Progressive for insurance whom have yet to even call and ask. I called to confirm the other guys insurance was good and was told a claim had been filed yesterday. Since Progressive hasn't called at all I think I'm gonna let a lawyer handle this mess. My first time ever considering a lawyer for anything. I hate lawyers.

Sorry to hear that Bison, glad you all are OK.

My thoughts too Alberta.

I had a girl scrape the rear bumper a few months back trying to cut left into the turn lane from behind me, her insurance company was calling at 8:05 the next morning staying ahead of the game. Rental car, list of shops to choose from, in 3 days my taillight was replaced and bumper adjusted. No BS. The poor girl tore up the side off her Mustang, front bumper to the rear bumper and didn't miss anything in between. I was amazed only the taillight had some splintering in the plastic from the side mirror hitting it and the bumper moved in about 1/2". All I felt was the truck wiggle a little but when I looked over at her car, it was trashed.

One thing I do know is I got to wake up this morning and HUG my boy, kiss him on the forehead and see him smile another day and my buddy got to wake up and hug his son too. We all had dinner tonight and laughed it off knowing things could have been much different all in the blink of an eye.

May angels watch over us all keeping us safe in times of trouble.

Glad you and the kids are OK. That is the important most thing. Now, what are you going to get to replace it? Certainly not a KIA!
And yes it is a sad day that a 6.5 has expired, but if you look at it as being a parts truck that can help other 6.5s live longer, then it isn't too bad. Kind of like organ transplants.
LOL a 6.5 organ donor :)

The important thing is that everyone is in fine shape after such a collision. I think I would be sore the next day too!

Amazing that the airbags did not go off.

I am glad you all are okay and thanks for sharing the pics with us.

Take Care,
Recovery is fine. I just want to make sure the boys don't have sore necks next week.
Yep a fresh buffing pad and some compound and she'll be as good as new. :)
An organ donor, that's a good one. I haven't seen another 6.5 in town. I'm sure they are around but I haven't spotted one.
No airbags in mine just good old fashioned steel kept us out of trouble.
Dave, I wouldn't trust the engine, it pushed the front end in far enough things are touching the lower pulley and the fan shaft is snapped. I'd bet on a hairline fracture in the crank just waiting to let go.

Monday I sit down with the other guys insurance man. I told him today if they make a dozen excuses why they aren't gonna pay out a price that will put me back in a comparable diesel truck that I'll walk out the door, go find an ambulance chaser lawyer and let him negotiate. I really don't care for lawyers but I didn't ask to be in this situation. I'll also will not sign anything to do with medical till the boys all go back for a follow up with the Doc. 2 innocent victims in this mess.

Thanks again everybody for the kind words and the smiles. Donor truck :)