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(6/01/09) Now that GM has declared bankruptcy, would you buy another GM vehicle?

(6/01/09) Now that GM has declared bankruptcy, would you buy another GM vehicle?

  • Yes... in a heartbeat

    Votes: 41 54.7%
  • Maybe...

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • Not in a million years...

    Votes: 11 14.7%

  • Total voters
I will never buy a new GM. Bankruptcy would have been one thing ..... but to go and beg for tax money to keep from filing bankruptcy and then file it anyways is just a slap in the face. The fact that most of the jobs in the area were tied up in making parts for GM. GM quit paying their bills and alot of these parts manufacturers had to all but shut down. I personally had to sell off all my equipment (except one 1998 Kenworth and one 48' flatbed) to pay a loan I had to take out because GM quit paying their suppliers so their suppliers quit paying me... 60% of my business was tied up hauling parts for GM.

I will never buy another part from GM, I will never buy a new GM product, and I will not set foot on any GM lot for any reason.

if I need a dealer only part I will get it from the JY or get one made. I may consider another used Chevy but never a new one ......

Also .... after having a Chrysler Town and Country I will never own another Chrysler any thing ever again.....
Not for the foreseeable future. I view buying a new GM vehicle right now as a victory for Obunga and for the UAW puppetmasters that Obunga remains beholden to.

I just bought my wife a new Ford Mustang, the first Ford that she had ever driven. I like the pre-Obunga GM products, but am afraid that all of that has changed. At least Ford did not sell out.
Not for the foreseeable future. I view buying a new GM vehicle right now as a victory for Obunga and for the UAW puppetmasters that Obunga remains beholden to.

I just bought my wife a new Ford Mustang, the first Ford that she had ever driven. I like the pre-Obunga GM products, but am afraid that all of that has changed. At least Ford did not sell out.

yep, I agree with this 100%...... My wife is getting a Ford Explorer.....
Yep, CBREW is right; Our first illegal alien President. The government made a mess back in the 70's with the auto makers having to deal with the unions and now they would not even allow a normal bankruptcy! It had to be approved by OBAMA! This guy is a certifiable jackass. As for GM ---ALL THE WAY!!
I woulld never buy a Ford! After the screwing they gave me in 1987, forget that company. I drove the prettiest piece of garbage that ever came off an assembly line and they did not stand behind it. It almost killed me when the front end fell apart. Tie-rod fell off! The clutch for a F350 "Super Heavy Duty" had a Bronco hydraulic setup and the firewall split. New Clutches every 10K miles because the slave cylinder drove through the pressure plate. That was a piece of S**T. Never to be revisited. Boycott Ford forever!
It looks like Rasmussen did a poll on this very subject.

Bottom line: not too good for GM

Only about 42% who currently own a GM are somewhat likely to buy a GM product in the future. Numbers get worse if you dig around the data, especially when looking at key demographic groups.
Yes it is a victory for noobama and I will not buy a GM from him or any of his Clinton people until I'm satisfied that they are not in control of the company. That maybe never. Once the Communist government gets its hands in control of something, they will not let go. That does not stop me from buying the fine autos before The Totaltarian No Country Loving ASS Wipe took over General Motors that I grew to love. They took your and my money by way of Taxes, then filed Bankruptcy and Most of the People in this poll want to Support Government Motors! Come on People think about who your supporting here. noobama owns 70% of the company.
Buy guns,ammo and food instead. You may just need it.
Like it or not - cheap oil is a thing of the past, if not for the present generations, it definately will be for future generations. Gone are the days of 19 cent a gallon gas and 10 cents a gallon diesel, as well as 2.00 gas and diesel. Again, like it or not, 5.00 a gal is coming way too soon, and someday much higher than that. Here is a country that puts a man on the moon, all kinds of crap in space, is slowly solving all kinds of medical mysteries, grew (not sure about today) some of the greatest food surpluses known to modern man for the worlds food supply, and put a black man in the White House (try telling someone in the 1940's or 50's, or even 60's or 70's) (and PS - I am NOT saying that was a good thing!! necessarily) in 2009. Why the hell can this once great nation design a fuel efficient set of vehicles that produce 100 mpg or better. The ANSWER: We can, and do it easily, EXCEPT for the political and greed problems and lack of JUST DO IT leadership. And I am not talking about the oil companies. This once was a nation (50's, 60's) of ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, and MOST ARE PROBABLE! Now look at us - we are a nation of hot air leadership with every political leader fighting for "what's in it for me" rather than moving this once great nation ahead. Our leaders are looking to make monuments of themselves rather solving problems. And too many of our glorious leaders ARE the problem. Hello Mrs Polosi, Mr Reed, and the rest of congress, MR slick tongue President, et ad nausium. From slick Willie to slick Obie. Sheesh!!
A lot of those restrictions we place on ourselves. Also, if the market demands fuel efficiency, the manufacturers deliver fuel efficiency. Those that can't deliver won't last long in the industry. The problem is when someone decides for us what we should be driving. Soon, vehicle choice will be too important of a decision to be left up to the people. The govt office that will be responsible for vehicle choice will have a catchy title with the unelected official running it sporting a czar after his name.
They took your and my money by way of Taxes, then filed Bankruptcy and Most of the People in this poll want to Support Government Motors! Come on People think about who your supporting here. noobama owns 70% of the company.
Buy guns,ammo and food instead. You may just need it.

The poll doesn't ask if you would buy another brand new GM. I would buy another GM ...but it would be '08 and older ('07 and older /pre- dpf diesel). I don't think I'd ever buy a brand new truck anyways, 1 year later it's worth about half of what the original owner paid. Worked well for me. :thumbsup: