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40 MPH severe vibration

Mercury balancers are good as long as it's not the real "mercury" in it. Even though it works the best, and if you don't care about the personal health risks, the liabilities are not worth it. They work, but if you have a tire way out or coming apart, it will mask it until things get bad.

If it is a front tire out, that left to right free play will multiply the problem.

I would be willing to bet the radial coming apart had something to do with the geared hub damage. 1 friend in Vegas has 500,000 miles on his '93 and has replaced leaking seals but no other hub issues... Taken care of their kinda bullet proof.

Keep us posted...

500,000????? I have 60k! 6-0 and probably 60 problems in the last 2 years. I cant wait until this is where it should be.
have you checked your pinion angle yet.... the angle between the tranny & rear end should be 0* - 1* difference max... if off the drive line will vibrate..
Not an option in a Hummer/ Hmmwv. The diff is mounted solid in a ridiculously overbuilt cross member, with about a 3" axle that comes out with a mounting flange that half shaft (portal axles) mount to. Think Corvette meets unimog. If the diff housing comes free, the haft shafts snap and she's down for the count.

I lost access to most my pics when my other laptop went smokey on me, sorry no pics on hand for it, but here is components:


idk if those help "connect the dots" or not