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24 cylinder Detroit Cold Start

Big T

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Fullerton, CA
The censorship on FB is insane. I have friends from HS whom I stay in touch with there. It's as much as I can bear.
AT&T ~ Direct TV censored out OAN news channel so I censored out
D-TV and centurylink is a part of AT&T so they too are getting censorsd out of My property.
I been on the ROKU and have found OAN news and so far that have not shut me off for lack of a subscription. If they do that, I’ll pay up.
About the biggest thing I will miss out in is The Walking Dead on AMC on Sunday evenings. Been following that series since they started up. 🤷‍♂️ 😹😹😹
Sad, I dont have fake book. 😹😹😹

I've never had it, could give a big rats arse about it. People get on there and talk about their lives, all their doing is telling certain elements of society all kinds of information. Trust me if I want to find you and make life miserable, it's there.