New Member
Truck has been in limp mode for three months. Couldnt find mechanic that wasnt too busy to diagnose truck. Pulled camper to friends house in Memphis,Tn. and found mechanic. He first thought problem was computer and he hooked his extra computer up replacing mine but problem wasnt computer so he put mine back in. He checked optic sensor in injector pump and it wasnt reading signals properly. Told me to get new os. Found one on ebay and changed it out. Truck came out of limp mode has full power but on starting engine dark grey smoke coming out when accelerating. Drove truck and transmission not shifting into overdrive. When accelerating to go faster dark grey smoke coming out until get off gas pedal. Truck finally shifted into overdrive after driving 10 miles. Let truck sit about 30 minutes in driveway and started engine again after checking to see if air in fuel lines. No air no lines leaking fuel all way back to tank. Dark smoke coming out again and transmission still wouldnt shift into overdrive until driven about 10 miles. Need help guys. Was told by another member to have timing checked since I changed optic sensor. Am mechanic and changed os out properly made sure scribed mark so new os would be in same spot as old one. My mechanic has gone deer hunting for awhile. Only code showing now is 49 service throttle soon circuit fault ?? Would changing sensors on transmission make it shift properly? Truck starts like new no hard start like before. Does feel like timing is off little. Thanks