Sorry about getting back to this thread so late!
GM Guy - y'all is a little crazy out there pulling 20-30K loads for 1k miles in a pickup!ut:
BTW, how in the hell have you guys found so many stick shift 6.5's, they are as rare as unicorns on the west coast!
1999gmc - Close, it was early 2012 just past Rawlins, frozen fog glazed over the Hwy like a rink. During the bad winter months that stretch of Hwy is a deathtrap! It was closed down 63 times during the winter of 2011 due to weather & black ice pile-ups!
Back to the OP, if that short (Horse Trailer) @ 9KLbs was taxing, the 2-4ft higher & 1.5-2x heavier megaplex on wheels IS A NO-GO!
Just a suggestion here, maybe think about trading in that 43Ft trailer for something a little more practical? Sounds like your hauling the family and some quads on camping trips. I'm betting you guys could make do with a 34ft'er that could be much lighter, a little bit shorter (which makes a big diff at Hwy speeds) and quite a bit easier to navigate! Not to mention better fuel economy, won't smoke your 4L80 trans on the first outing, and your odds of being featured on the next Youtube "failed-crash compilation" video will be exponentially less likely!!!!!:agreed:
GM Guy - y'all is a little crazy out there pulling 20-30K loads for 1k miles in a pickup!ut:
BTW, how in the hell have you guys found so many stick shift 6.5's, they are as rare as unicorns on the west coast!
1999gmc - Close, it was early 2012 just past Rawlins, frozen fog glazed over the Hwy like a rink. During the bad winter months that stretch of Hwy is a deathtrap! It was closed down 63 times during the winter of 2011 due to weather & black ice pile-ups!
Back to the OP, if that short (Horse Trailer) @ 9KLbs was taxing, the 2-4ft higher & 1.5-2x heavier megaplex on wheels IS A NO-GO!
Just a suggestion here, maybe think about trading in that 43Ft trailer for something a little more practical? Sounds like your hauling the family and some quads on camping trips. I'm betting you guys could make do with a 34ft'er that could be much lighter, a little bit shorter (which makes a big diff at Hwy speeds) and quite a bit easier to navigate! Not to mention better fuel economy, won't smoke your 4L80 trans on the first outing, and your odds of being featured on the next Youtube "failed-crash compilation" video will be exponentially less likely!!!!!:agreed: