I knew swapping the intake and what-not. Is that crank sensor what the salvage yard says cause issues? They say it's a "knock sensor" which 90 doesn't have. But 98 needs ?
Ok sound like this one should work it's a 1990 that I'm thinking in buying. My truck doesn't have a motor to start so will be buying new everything as for sensor and everything else for a 98 and install to donor motor
Ok thank for all of the information will be on the hunt for a 454. On the note of 454 is a 1990 454 compatible..I was told th knock sensor causes issues.
I would love to replace 454 but don't have motor it couldn't have been original I'm not sure how it ran as long as it did. As for the swap "bolt up" is "mate" and I guess all aspects on Trans being compatible. The 6.5 come with computer and harness I need for it