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Search results

  1. dbrannon79

    93 Heater Control Malfunction

    Anyone have experience with the 93-94 digital heater controls? recently my hot cold control had gone haywire. I thought I had it fixed messing with the actuator motor, but it's acting up again. tried to move the control from cold to hot and after a couple of seconds the screen just starts...
  2. dbrannon79

    What ultrasonic cleaning solution is better for IDI injectors

    Guys, I just ordered a small ultrasonic cleaner to try and clean up a hand full of 6.5 injectors I have, most are gummed up and have varnish on them. I did try them on an engine I have on a stand by pulling the IP line up enough to just test it out of the engine. some popped and some didn't...
  3. dbrannon79

    FFM fuel heater

    Hey fellas. Today I started going through the original FFM in an attempt to install it back on the 93 truck. Cleaned it up nicely but now I’m trying to make sure the fuel heater is good. I ohmed it out and get no reading on my meter. I have 4 other fuel heaters to play with so I tested each...
  4. dbrannon79

    4L80E Harsh shifting from 1st to 2nd

    I need some input on where to start. on my 93 truck the trans has been shifting hard from 1st to 2nd after it's warmed up. when cold it shifts fine. a little back story: This truck had it's trans rebuilt back in 2018 by the PO, at the time I purchased it, the trans only had about 2k miles...
  5. dbrannon79

    DB2 Throttle Pedal Resistance

    On my 93 I have been letting my youngest son drive it around to get some practice on larger vehicles. one thing he said was how much stiffer the throttle pedal is compared to all the other vehicles we have including my 95 truck. when I first got it on the road I too noticed right away how...
  6. dbrannon79

    GMT400 Poor Man's Alignment Check

    Guys, I decided to pull my 95 into the back driveway and check and adjust if needed for a quick and dirty alignment job today. I have noticed since I had pulled the TT hearing tire tread road noise more so that it had before. looking at my tires I found that both the front tires were...
  7. dbrannon79

    93 Truck AC Parts

    Today I was thinking about looking at what it would cost me to round up all the parts needed to get the AC working in my 93 since as we say it here in Texas, "Were about to step off from hell's front porch". I put a parts list together and here is what I have so far, as to my knowledge the AC...
  8. dbrannon79

    Lighting a heavy throttle pedal

    I want to try and lighten the amount of pressure the throttle pedal needs and was looking over everything, after our long trip the one thing I noticed is my left foot would feel like it was falling asleep over the amount of pressure I had to keep on the pedal. I used the cruise control most of...
  9. dbrannon79

    Unidentified noise that seems to be coming from around the TC or flexplate area

    Guys, my 93 has developed a noise that I need some help identifying. It's a high pitched banging noise that almost sounds like something to do with the flex plate. I double checked to make sure the front pulley and HB were doing ok, they both seem fine. I have a fear that ether the flex...
  10. dbrannon79

    Best options for GMT400 large bore steering box

    Guys, I wanted to ask the question since I am going to need to replace my steering box on my 95 truck. what is the better option that won't break a poor mans bank account for getting a good no so sloppy steering box? I would like to get a new one but not sure where to go or what brand is...
  11. dbrannon79

    Need Help with 93 Interior bulb replacements

    Guys, a quick and simple task but I need some help figuring out what bulbs I need. for the 93 HVAC control and window switches, they use some sort of very tiny bulb that has a twist in type socket. you have to use a small flat blade screwdriver to get them out. I can't seem to find what...
  12. dbrannon79

    Weird split second profuse engine rattle leaving me puzzled and concerned

    Good morning fellas, I have a question about my 93 truck and an odd noise the engine is randomly making. this has happened a couple of other times but I wasn't sure what it was. it happened to me again twice last night while running around town. The best I can describe it is when...
  13. dbrannon79

    Unique window switches??

    Guys, I was looking online today for door parts across different sites, since I was having intermittent issues with the drivers window not wanting to work I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if I could get a replacement switch for the drivers door since it's the one most used throughout the life...
  14. dbrannon79

    Truck Names

    I figured I would start a new thread here trying to get some good name ideas for both of my rigs. Now that I have two almost identical two wheel drive trucks I figured lets have some fun naming them.
  15. dbrannon79

    CKO Provent 200 Oil Catch Cans

    Guys, since I have found the need to install a catch can on my truck, I have been looking at the CKO knock offs on the jungle site and noticed something. on the diagrams and photos, each one shows the outlet at the lower end of the housing. this got me to start thinking about gravity and the...
  16. dbrannon79

    Replacement outer windows felt sweeps for both front and rear doors.

    Hey guys, whats yall's recommendations on the outside window felt sweeps? both of the ones on the rear doors are still in tact but will not latch in place. I only found the front on the jungle site, figured I could cut them to fit, but figured I would pop the question here...
  17. dbrannon79

    Need some help with GearVendors OD unit behind 4L80E

    Hey guys, I figured I would start a new thread for this GV OD unit that was installed on this 93 truck. Now that I have the TCI TCU working properly I need to figure out how to get the "AutoDrive" portion of the GV unit to work. as it is now if I use the manual switch, the OD will kick in...
  18. dbrannon79

    How to replace the fuel cutoff solenoid in a DB2

    Hey guys, continuing on my 93 trying to restore it to as much as I can "Unmolested" stock setup. I need some help with the IP. the PO had installed a military IP that is 24v for the fuel shutoff solenoid. I have a 6.2 on the stand which has a DB2 of unknown condition. At some point I...
  19. dbrannon79

    Need some help with an EZ-TCI TCM with a 6.5 diesel.

    Hey guys. On the 93 truck I just bought, I have been diagnosing why it shifts hard from 1st to 2nd. I went through all the setting in the programmer and was viewing the live data when I realized that it's not getting an RPM signal. I traced the wires and see that the RPM module is...
  20. dbrannon79

    learning to set timing on with a DB2 IP

    Hey guys, since I have been able to drive this new to me 93 truck that has a DB2 pump, I have noticed that when driving the engine is LOUD! the clatter is what I would call extreme compared to my 95 but it's nice n quiet at idle. I was reading up on what might cause this and came across some...