Then on the ESO ON= Open : the Scan tool says thats working proper also! Im lost when it comes to the Fuel sol (not the ESO) - & how they work actually work together! But i do understand the Fuel Sol (rear pump - red/blk wires) feeds the IP then the injector lines though 2-5vt pulsed made by...
theres no pos way its in the ign switch buddy? I think your right though a PCM - General Question: there was a busted poppet valve in the old IP I sent to badger diesel : is there 8 poppet valves in there (1 for each cyl?) or just 1 poppet valve? How much for the CM if i put it in & it works?
.878 off both PMDs from badger diesel - same reading on both & both are suppose to be tested (they gota be good) - Why wouldnt they put out 2-5vts? What feeds that switch in the PMD the 12.63V Btry or the 5.04 vts from Red D/E ? The IP harness came with the new IP & everything on that Xes out...
Thats a great question Eng Shutoff ON = is it really shutting fuel ON or OFF? My thinking ON = no fuel (no switch there = fuel) ! Scan tool 1.95 MS Inj Pulse tells us the PCM is doing the switching + @ the right angle right? (1.6-2.0)! I double Xed the ESO Sol & pulled it it works fine & pulls...
CM# SVC 162121488 Delphi + lttle box under CM: 16165065 I decided to remove the 3 wires from the back of the pass hd - someone was in there & redid some wiring - there were 2 sm wires (lt brn/blk) stripped on the end & under the stud (not good) so I fixed that + put a large gnd to that stud...
Im understanding the injector system more now after all your posts! espec the 2-5v AC on/off cycle through the PMD - does the pmd actual do the cycling or does that come from the CM? Ill try both PMDs crank test again (on the .58)! Woulds U see the pulses on the dig meter : like .58/0/.58etc...
Both IP were the same models 5521 : the 2 pmds on it now were tested by badger diesel (1#9 1#5) I just hooked up my maclogic scan (It reads data stream but wont read codes) i didnt know if id work on data eng not running but it does: (must be all new data since the new IP pump installed &...
Heres a thought:: F - FSol- drive grnd for FSD - Blk large, also attached to the top of the Inj Pump ONLY - NO MOVE - NO EXTENSION -TOP OF THE INJECTION PUMP, ONLY - PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!! When I installed the heads & put the old pump back on the gnd was off the pump itself & I put it on the PMD...
buddy Xing the #9 PMD left-rt with blk to sol on left then red/pnk/blk/red sol/gn :: Using left blk as blk wire on ohm meter = 5.23 / 13.3/8.1/16/8.6 (aprox ohms on all as they moved slowly as holding!) With the 2 pmds mounted with the old pump - both were plugged in & tested to get fuel also &...
Thanks Buddy: I Xed the red (B) wire to the Sol by stripping of a small piece & connecting it there - PMD plugged in! I tested it using both PMDS I have ($9 + #5) Both were sent with the pump & suposidly tested with the pump & both show the same value .58 v @ cranking! (Ill OHM test both & send...
Heres the tests: The only confusing part was Xing Volts PMD / B Red F-Sol = .58 on eng crank! not sure if thats AC or DC the Dig Meter i have adjust to AC/DC on its own when reading! Fuel Sol CLICKs when jumped but no click with key on & pluged back up! The cylinder Sol (by fuel intake) I...
Thanks Ace: I plan on getting that GMTDScan Tech tool as soon as $$ comes in - i just put $3000 into this 95 GMC Sierra Xc 4x4 : Put new heads/timing components - ran it for 2 weeks & the IP went ! Maybe Im confused on the fuel shutoff sol & the ESO are they the same solinoid? the fuel Sol I...
All the hard work is done - new rebuilt IP / 2 new FSDs (1 bkup both on the cooler - 1#5 1#9 - hooked up to #9 ) Both FSDs were tested & sent with the rebuilt pump by Fred @ Badger Diesel + I installed a new LP! Finally got it all together this afternoon - 1st test = no fuel again! Blead the...
Tested the shutoff sol by removing it & bench tested it with 12vts - then tested the plugin for 12vts when the keys turned on (both tested good) ::: + I disconnected the brtys yesterday & installed the rebuilt IP & today or tomarrow ill finish it up! If I have questions Ill be back! I...
Thanks Guys: GREAT to know when theres DTC codes it wont flash 12 on this 95! I tested the shutoff sol (removed + tested + tested juice when keys on ) it all tested good before I removed the pump - the busted poppet valve must have set code 13! How do I RESET that code so it wont show anymore...
2 Questions - 95TD GMC Sierra Xc 4x4 Vin S ::: When I jump A+B (OBD1) it starts with 1-3/1-3/1-3 the codes then 1-3/1-3/1-3 end ! WHY am I getting a 1-3 flash when it should be a 1-2 flash ? Should I be concerened! I Cleared all coded (pedals & retested DTCS & got again 1-3/1-3/1-3 then 6-2 x3...