Never in the truck, and it's been down to -30, -50 with wind chill. Started it without being plugged in that cold too. The places here run straight number 2 with stanadyne in it, because the local truckers bitched about losing mpg with a #1 mix. Does start to make you worry driving along and...
That would be hard on the bag because of how it will flex at the end of the spring. Might work but seems like it would be a lot of changing for how much it will help. Dunno.
If you want to retain the springs and still use air then get air bags over the axle and run them with a little air to hold...
You don't pull the fuses? Umm that would have been the first thing I would have tried when it didn't work. I've done trucks that had nothing that should cause a problem and they still never worked without pulling the fuses. Simple solutions first man, always try them...
Weird errors. No idea why. But.. It will always reset after 20 minutes or so, happens on EFI too if you don't shut the key off when it tells you to, or if you try to download from a truck that resists it. First time I was pretty worried, truck wouldn't even try to start, but then it was ok. Done...
Oh it does have nuts. I'm not sure about one right out of the box though, cause his shop puts lighter clutch weights on and retunes them before they sell them. He says that bone stock it doesn't rev as fast as it does now. The way it is it revs fast, almost 2 strokish fast. He can pull the...
Well when we traded ours it had over 13000 hours and never had the engine touched. Not sure what the problem was? Get a cab upholstery kit, and a new seat pad and back. Not real expensive for how much better it will look. Check the SCVs for leaks, probably end up installing a lot of new o-rings...
Hmm I ride with several brutes that have been beaten up a lot and no problems. One has even been drowned badly and rolled down a hill and still runs good. The only bad thing about it is not being EFI, which is why I bought an 08 that is. My friend sells can ams and sold himself an 08 800XT. It's...
Same reason I didn't put one on my pickup. My skidplates are all beat up, I am sure some weeds or corn stalks would get ahold of the valve and dump my oil out in the field. I would never feel safe with that on my truck being offroad all the time.
Got ours done a while ago. Working on some corn for another guy. Not too much fun in some spots. Weeds blew into the west 200 yards of the field, about 4 feet deep. His corn isn't that tall some spots. Layed a lot of corn over, can't pick it up because the weeds are stiff nasty thistle crap...
We got a smaller size CB crammed into that hole in my brother's truck. Took a bit of work removing plastic back in there though. On mine and dad's without the console they are just bolted to the little hole under the dash. Lot easier on ours.
Think I might push some snow with this. :D Did it to push silage but it ought to do snow nice. Last year I moved snow with just the loader bucket, worked ok but the blade is wider. Don't really do much but ours and sometimes the neighbors.
I just didn't want to put the damn resonator back on because it's a pain when I changed my thermostats. I screwed a 2 inch bung out of a barrel or john deere engine oil in there. ;) Fit super tight, sealed good, plug had an o-ring too.
I think it did cause a little extra resonation. I notice...