My 750 belt only whines if I sit there in gear quite a while, because it's tight. If it gets looser it won't, but who sits there in gear all the time? That would be like sitting there in drive all the time on the truck, I don't do that either. Unless you mean the belt noise when riding, which...
Eh I don't know how good the prices were really. Around here we only have feedlots to deal with so we can't do all that forward contracting guys with a few elevators around do. Still got a decent price for the corn at harvest, but only half what the high was.Still considering that most of our...
Center of the motor right in front there is a aluminum thermostat housing. The bolt in the center doesn't hold the housing on, it's the bleeder. If you try to add coolant you have to open that to let the air out. When you had the no heat blowing problem it was because it had an air pocket there...
Well if that is the case then my heads are screwed. Several times when it got to the low coolant reminder point it was a few days before I added some and bled it. Right now in fact it's been a couple days, I need to go get more damn coolant. Sigh... I have until june to get mine fixed on the 5...
Mine has been leaking some for a while. I put a cap and thermostats in a while back. It helped but it still blows a little once in a while so it's going to need worked on. Luckily none of the dealers near me even have a duramax tech anymore...
I think the stack that we had on ours for a few days was a 4 inch because that fit right on there. Mechanic guy I know was trying to sell it to us is why we tried it. 5 inch might be more mellow but would need a adapter.
It will be annoyingly loud in the cab after about 2 minutes. Sounds badass outside though. We tried it for a while and went back to the fairly burned out muffler. Still sounded good that way but a little quieter. You should hear the turbo whistle on my 8100, the muffler is fairly burned out on...
You don't know if you want MFWD... What will you do with it? The only downside to MFWD is turning set at 30 inch rows. Well and rebuilding the clutches every 10000 hours, but that is reasonable. Otherwise it's better everywhere. Even when it's off it makes it ride better and goes through holes...
So really it has 11000 hours. That's still about the price range you find those in though depending how decent shape they are in. I found one nearby here that has under 4000 original hours and they want 48 for it. If it's in really nice shape and they have rebuilt the trans and engine and front...
Yeah it took me a while to type that I was on the phone too...
83GMCK2500-How big a plow? We ran 4 bottom JD in furrows no problem on ours. Dad ran a 5 bottom MF in furrow on the 4450 a bit and it pulled it ok but it was front end light. I made some brackets to bolt on the sides of the weight...
A 4430 is a good solid tractor. We had one for years, put over 13000 hours on it. That said, buy the 4450 if you can stand the price. They are better in quite a few ways that aren't noticeable at casual glance, like the heavier front end and spindles, and rockshaft and 3 point lift ability and...