When the one I currently have dies I'm going to look at the Kodak printers. They are advertising that the ink won't cost you more than the printer.
My last couple have been Epsons.
I don't know about the early model master and slave cylinder setup, but the later setup has a fuel line type quick release at the slave cylinder and a specialty fitting at the master cylinder. Not condusive to custom lines.
When you buy the AE pro setup for foreign and domestic you are getting above the price a used MT2500 brick is up to ~2000 is going for. SnapOn made up to date cartridges until last year IIRC but you are going to pay close to $800 for each cartridge.
Unfortunately, I don't believe the Engh OBD-I...
To be honest, if you don't need multi make capability and don't need OBD1 capability, and have a laptop Autoenginuity is a better deal than the MT2500.