Ok if rain will hold off for me to get it torn down Ill let yall know what its looking like. Motor should still be good did run for about 20 mins after it overheated so I'm pretty confident on it just blowing the head gaskets to the point where its pushing compression out the side of the block...
A video would be extra helpful. I'd rather just put new ones in as cheap as they are. Heres my rockauto cart as of right now- https://www.rockauto.com/xx/cart/?cartid=0d1ccbd5766ddd2b695ad79ccb2ba643 keep in mind Im SUUUUPER budget limited
Thats my problem, my budget is about $150 just enough for enough off rockauto. It HAS to be running in max time of 2 weeks. MIles is definitely under 150k and I need at least 50k out of it
My 83 blew both head gaskets last sunday after overheating (worst day in awhile). I can't pull the manifold because the motor mount is broke. Is it easier to pull the entire motor over trying to change it? One stud actually finally broke off you can see where it had been rubbing
I have 83 c10 with the 6.2 and dual tanks. The other day I ran out of fuel as I was pulling in the drive way so I hit the switch and it still died. I'm not sure how these are set up so I figured they level each other kinda? Anyways I went and got some diesel in a can and primed it back up and...
I have pumps laying everywhere if I need to change a pump I can, I just want to make sure that thats the last thing changed since its most time consuming. I unplugged the pedal the other night and it idled like normal. Borrowed another pedal today from a friend gonna see if that fixes it. The...
Also pmd is relocated to intake and I put a spare on and that made no difference. PMD is fine so far. I have PLENTY of other known good pumps to put on it if need be. That’s the LAST resort as it’s most time consuming in my opinion especially without a shop and as limited as I am on tools
I unplugged it and truck idles better then ever, like I said, won’t have cash for one until October unless I come up with something to do for someone. Anyways I think the APPS will fix it after unplugging it and truck idling great, I have a video of y’all would like to see her running? :)
I'm having uncontrolled runaway and no throttle response. Turns out it was MANUAL pump pedals that I had. I don't have enough cash right now to try the APPS so I guess this project will be on hold for a while. I'll let yall know if it's fixed as soon as I can get my hands on a new APPS
Ok I’ll put some fresh fuel in it. I still wanna try the pedal as it’s easiest, fastest and cheapest because I have about 3 of them laying around. I’ll get some fuel still though because of the reasons you listed I’ll let you know how it goes after school today
Didn’t put fresh fuel in. Fuel looks clean and smells good. Fuel filter is ok. Don’t have any service engine lights or service throttle lights on. Not sure about return line but the truck did already run fine once.
The first time it started it ran great. I killed it so I could hook the driveshaft back up(from being towed with tow bar) and when I started it back up it started doing it. I have a spare manual injector pump and maybe electronic. Also sore injectors. Motor sposedly was rebuilt 100,000 miles...
Sometimes when you start it it runs wild but dies as soon as you turn the key off, so I know she ain’t a runaway. Other times when you start it. It will run at 1000 rpm and when you press the pedal it surges to 2000 and back down and back up etc. have a good spare pedal and pmd.
SHES FIXED. Got the batteries back after being charged and she whirls right over. Never seen low batteries keep one from trying to crank. I always oversimplify things lol. Anyways now I gotta get her primed