New question.. Theres a running lly here local I can buy cheaper then rebuilding. How hard would it be to do a lly swap? I know my allison and accessories will work fine, just worried about the ECM and wiring
UPDATE: Pulled all the glow plugs out and the back LH cylinder is spraying water out. Hot side intercooler pipe had water in it. Went to o’reilly and rented the pressure tester. Will update with info on what that says. Cracked head, blown gasket, bad injector cup?
My lb7 has had two injectors with high balance rates for awhile. Last night i was driving it like normal and it started ticking and missing, which is now a knock. Drive it 12 miles home like that and killed it. Went to start it this morning and it made about two revolutions then locked up. Oil...
UPDATE: fuse box itself is messed up. Ran power from the battery to the power pin for the relay and it works. Fuse box was receiving power but it wasn’t making it to the “power in” pin on the relay
I’ll see what i can come up with. I have a 03 needing a cp3 and i’d rather have another running truck right now then buying a manual over some darn headlights. I’ll call the dealer tomorrow and see what they say though. I’ve got two different chevy dealers here.
I've been ohming with a multimeter quite a bit. Only diagram I have is out of a chilton book and its subpar to say the least. I just don't really know what I'm looking for at this point. As far as what wire should read what. I know grounds should be .1 or so. Its a pain without a good diagram...
I have a 02 crew cab duramax that I'm completely stumped on. I drove it home one night and the headlights worked great. Went out the next morning and had no headlights. The bright light symbol is illuminated on the gauge cluster and hitting the dimmer switch makes no difference. I replaced the...
There was so much water in it that couldn't have happened :p. But yeah I wouldn't doubt it could. It took me 30 minutes start to finish of having the valve body out. That solenoid was so hot that even after the truck not running for 30 minutes you couldn't touch it. I can't explain how hot it was.
Just was rereading over the ideas, and that solenoid i said was extremely hot was stuck. I ended up breaking it taking it out of the valve body. The metal part broke away from the plastic part. The little needle plunger thing would stick whenever i pushed it in then had to work with it for it to...
I assume from the dipstick tube being open with the hood off. Unless some idiot purposely poured water in it. It pulls really good when it would. Then just act like you put it in neutral
I don’t have a new wiring harness coming with the valve body. I’ll check all the wiring just to be safe.
I wouldn’t mind rebuilding it if it’s easy. I wanna do some power mods to the motor so it wouldn’t be bad to build it some anyways.
No coolant just plain ol water. Wasn’t the problem though. Changed the filters and put the pan back on and got the same thing. Took the pan back off to pull the valve body off. I was pulling the solenoids off and the one that’s on top of the valve body (the farthest one up) was SCORCHING hot. I...
Well i pulled the pan off and my fluid is literally the color of double bubble bubble gum. TONS of sludge in the pan and on top of the filter. I’m changing the filter right now and cleaning the pan. I just bought this truck with no cp3 because the old one was out blah blah blah... we’ll see what...