theres a kit on ebay for about $150,it comes with a new set of fog lights,a lower panel already cut out for fog light,a new headlight switch,a relay for the under-hood fuse box,and a single wire that goes from the fuse box down to the fog lights,then you need to ground each light,,,but look on...
theres a new filter out,[autozone and carquest],''black plastic -cone shaped'' ,,ive used 2 [i needed to change out on the last trip,forgot to take a racor along8]both in my ipion are ''junk'' ,truck seems slower and now everytime i get on it i get lots of black exhaust smoke,,i'm going to send...
UPDATE--- well i just went nuts and kept bleeding the rear brakes,5 times on left,,and 8 times on the right,and in between did 2 ABS bleeds using a tech 2,,now i seem to have a much better pedal and have rear brakes,,i never saw any bubbles during this bleed session