This got its first breath of Ohio air a couple days back. Still looking for the source of the fuel leak mentioned in the other thread, but it's getting there.
The old style requires the original retaining ring
The newer style comes with its own built in ring
It looks like it actually comes with this new seal with WIX
I don't remember seeing a new o-ring in the Baldwin box.
Do both require a seal on top of the FFM?
I've replaced these a number of...
I don't believe there will be any way to hold that one in place without it spinning. Will keep in mind for future uses though. Thank you.
@Glagulator Thank you. Do you have the P/N for the little screws that go in those also?
Does anyone have any idea of the blind nuts that are here for attaching the grill are available? This is about the location and would be on '94-'99 I suppose. They're just under this top edge of the core support.
When I say "red truck" the kids know I am talking about my 6.5 in my signature line. When I say "little truck" they know I am talking about my 2500HD CCSB.
It's wild and crazy like that at our place:happy:
The gasket in the picture is the new one. The previous one is in the other image but didn't blow out. There was no exhaust leak.
The steel has delaminated. Notice the steel on the old gasket.
That said, I went back and checked the flanges for warp. They are indeed warped. I checked them...
Before I would make a suggestion on a project like this, I believe it would be wise to ask what is the cause of the problems you are experiencing? Then we can work from there.
I am wondering about a copper ring just outside the pipe opening. If I can embed the ring in the existing gasket then it may work if the ring doesn't cut through the gasket material.
It isn't deformed flanges. Looking at the second picture, you can see the metal is delaminating from both flanges in the center on the bottom side only.
As you can see, I have a gap after bolts are tight. Can the gasket between the downpipe flanges be doubled up?
The metal has deteriorated and scaled away.
If the Bill Hirsch coating I have holds up, then I'm pretty happy with it. I like the way it looks on the cast pieces. Even brushed on, it still looks smooth. We'll see how it goes after some heat cycles, though.
Yours looks really good but after all the steel part I had powdercoated cracked...