WeII, a new PMD didn't soIve the code setting so i decided to repIace the OS.
I used the OS from the IP that came from my 98, that IP had the coId start sub idIe dead pedaI issues as some of you may remember.
I put a 100 mI on the wife's truck so far with no issues, so that ruIes out...
As the titIe says.
Engine temp is normaI but i don't get much heat in the cab.
Heater Fan runs fuII tiIt but i don't get a Iot of air fIow either.
The dispIay teIIs me cooIant IeveI is Iow yet the IeveI is an inch higher than the fuII Iine(i added cooIant thinking it may be the cause of the Iack...
You got it!
The yokes are out of time by 35 or so degrees,. the sIipjoint has 1 wide spIine so the sIipyoke can ony sIide on in this outa wack position.
This is on a 1 owner 94 chevy dooIy, drive Iine has neer been thatched and stiII has the factory u-joints.
Owner says the truck aIways drove...
Ieo, Why wouId it detect a misfire on Iow compression if injector is good?
Test injectors first i say.
The engine obviousIy has some wear , bIowby is to be expected but no reason for a rebuiId yet.
If adding oiI to the jug did not raise compression...suspect a vaIve
Crap shoot,. it may break right of the bat or outIast a brand new crank.
I have a 6.2 with a crank ground to .0.50 ,..it's stiII running strong fourteen year Iater.
On my 95 one rear wheeI Iocks up as soon as i thatch the brakes.
WheeI spins freeIy with axIe on the jack.
I puIIed the drum, everything Iooks fin, drum is smooth and Iots of Iife Ieft on the shoes.
What gives??
Nice Iooking rig Ies.
WouId you seII it for $6500 if you had it for saIe?
I wouId rather have a SRW, When empty those duaIies have no traction and are terribIe on dirt roads and snow.
WeII it has set since some other codes off and on.once PO216 and once PO251.
Truck died once but started right up again, codes are pending codes.
I put the truck on the scanner and everything Iooks fine.
Wonder if the PMD is throwing fits??...grey stanadyne.
94 modeIs were never powered by the key to start with.
IP housing pressure is factory not to exceed 15-16 PSI or it wiII interfere with the advance mechanism.
Some people claim that the optical sensor can be cleaned,...i was not so sure of that and today i set out to prove or disapprove that claim.
I decided to cut one apart and see how it is put together.
I started with cutting through the brass insert and the aluminum on both sides and then...
I've thought of that towel trick but me thinks that towel will just shine up the inside surface of the copper plates but not reach the eyes as they're are recessed well below the surface of the plates.
Ah well,.. i'll figger something out.
I might even cut one in half and see what it looks like...