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Search results

  1. Woody35

    6.5 diesel lowering compression ratio

    what turbos are you looking at? we have a member here who put together a twin turbo setup with two GM x series turbos. as long as you keep the drive pressure down 25 psi should be fine.
  2. Woody35

    6.5 diesel lowering compression ratio

    that and whether or not you use wmi or some type of intercooler. Also if your tuning is setup right.
  3. Woody35

    Injector Nozzles

    Di drag trucks lower the pop pressure when applicable. also chevydiesel said he lowered his pop pressure and he is the only one i have seen that has dyno proof that he made more than 300 hp all fuel with no "drugs".
  4. Woody35

    Injector Nozzles

    The more i think about it the more that does make sense. Im very curious about these different nozzle designs and if they would produceany significant power than stock nozzles.
  5. Woody35

    Injector Nozzles

    Wouldnt that depend on the nozzle design and how much pulse width there is per injection? My understanding is that the lower the pop pressure is on the injector the faster the injector "opens" and starts spraying the fuel because it spends less time building pressure to open. Am i wrong?
  6. Woody35

    HX40II Turbo Install

    is this the same cko hx40 that subclatter/robzombie is running? If not what are the specs?
  7. Woody35

    Injector Nozzles

    Fuel gets into the engine faster
  8. Woody35

    A-Team Turbo VS CKO-40(hx-40 knock-off)

    any ideas on what a controller costs?
  9. Woody35

    Multi-stage PCM

    will switchable OBD2 tunes be offered in the future?
  10. Woody35

    porting precups

    What does your butt dyno say?
  11. Woody35

    Stanadyne or Flight Systems for a new PMD?

    I have had the grey stanadyne on my ip hooked up for close to 2 years with no problems. if that ever fails i have a old school black stanadyne on my bumper thats ready to go.
  12. Woody35

    How to identify rear ring gear?

    is this the diesel blazer that had a really nice powder coated engine?
  13. Woody35

    What the Navistar guys are doing?

    the dps pumps are the pumps flowing a lot more fuel not the moose pumps which are just modified DB2s like stated above.
  14. Woody35

    Stock vs Marine injector nozzles

    Ive always been told that marine nozzles give you a little better perfromance in the high rpm range. Also a member here has confirmed that his fuel pressure dropped 0.5 psi after installing marine nozzles which indicates more fuel was getting into the engine which would also explain the higher...
  15. Woody35

    What the Navistar guys are doing?

    These pumps flow around 400 hp on fuel only. no wmi, propane, or nitrous supposedly was used and they did it at stock rpms. i heard about anyone that is making 400 hp all fuel with a DS4 pumps at stock rpm
  16. Woody35

    300hp possible???

    Would Heath release that tune for the ecm if you had the right supporting modifications to your engine? on powerstroke nation there is a guy that built a ford 7.3 idi with a DB2/DB4 hybrid inj pump. Basically is is a DB2 pump with DB4 internals that flows about 400-500 hp worth of fuel. Thats...
  17. Woody35

    big claims for a 6.5

    they probably have an inj pump similar to a DB4 or high output DB2 that will flow enough fuel to make that power
  18. Woody35

    turbo boost

    thats about right on for a stock ecm truck.
  19. Woody35

    frost plugs and block heater

    i have heard of people using locttite for frost plugs
  20. Woody35

    Walking J Designs?

    i looked at his profile and it says his last activity was may 19. i wonder why he hasnt been on here for while. when i ordered my tune he got right back to me but that was last year.