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Recent content by snarl95

  1. snarl95

    Vacuum pump differences

    I need a new vacuum pump and in my searching have come across ones for A/C and without A/C. Is there a difference?
  2. snarl95

    Bolt holes in starter

    I have the ARP bolts but there is a lot of room in the starter holes.
  3. snarl95

    Bolt holes in starter

    If anyone has a starter laying about could you measure the bolt hole? Mine seem to be to large and allow the starter to get crooked.
  4. snarl95

    What did you do with your GMT400 today...or yesterday....

    Replaced lift pump. Tried replacing pinion seal but nut wouldn't budge. Will revisit later.
  5. snarl95

    1996 Chevrolet Suburban 6.5 diesel $2500

  6. snarl95

    6.5 piston oil squirter pictures

    squirter https://www.ebay.com/itm/255933190321
  7. snarl95

    6.5 piston oil squirter pictures

    Did you want pictures of the squirter or the block?
  8. snarl95

    6.5TD dies after running awhile, especially when slowing down or after running and idling

    When you replaced the fuel sender and sock did you get a diesel sock?
  9. snarl95

    97 hard start suddenly

    The flight systems pmd is made in the USA. But feel free to buy the chinese ones.
  10. snarl95

    What ball joints do I need for a 95 one ton diesel dually?

    @revyd uppers or lowers
  11. snarl95

    What did you do with your GMT400 today...or yesterday....

    @Big T Where is that chassis ground located?
  12. snarl95

    What did you do with your GMT400 today...or yesterday....

    Corrosion of the cables at the battery?
  13. snarl95

    What did you do with your GMT400 today...or yesterday....

    I'm going with oil cooler line failure.
  14. snarl95

    What did you do with your GMT400 today...or yesterday....

    @dbrannon79 Have you tried water wetter?