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Wireless internet


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Driving down to FL in May,well lets say the wife will be doing most of the driving,her car! ):h I did the trip last year in the truck SO

I am going to have some free time and thought about getting wireless internet for the laptop' questions arise;

1. Will it work down 1-95 from CT to FL?

2. Can I do it relatively inexpensive?

3. Who would you use?

4. Input from those already using it, the good and the bad.

I can't see using it much past this trip so I am hoping to avoid a long term contract..

Thanks in advance
I use AT&T because it has the largest coverage area around here. But If you go to the service providers store they have a map of their coverage area. I would guess AT&T or Verison will have what your looking for but you need to check both their coverage maps to verify it will work in the places you want. You can pull the coverage maps up on their websites but I usually make them interpret their maps so if it doesn't work.

As far as the cost and contract you will probably have to commit to a 1 or 2 year contract depending on how much you pay for their network card. I payed $100.00 with a $100.00 rebate with a two year contract and $50 a month for unlimited access.
i just bought a verizon wireless card for myself on craigslist for $40. a lot cheaper than paying retail for it at the verizon store. i think a 5 GB data plan is $59.99 from verizon, but its only a monthly charge instead of a 2 year contract.
Check out Cricket.

A co-worker of mine just got it for his son and there is no contract. Coverage looks pretty good too. His son says it works great.


On Edit: Just looked closer at the coverage map. Florida is covered fairly good, but the rest of the east coast is spotty.

It looks pretty good, but like you said above it looks like their cover area isn't very big yet and traveling with it could be a problem. The coverage map doesn't show much coverage on highways and interstate,the coverage is mainly concentrated around cities. It's definitely a service to keep an eye on as they grow.

Good find Grey Ghost, definitely going to keep watching them.
I have a removable laptop stand and it makes the trip way better when using a laptop.



Thanks for that link. How do you like your Jotto Desk. They look like they are very well built.

I should add that I have ATT with the Sierra Wireless module. I wish I had better reception at my house. If I did I would get rid of my internet access with Verizon. The 3G is fairly fast but it only seems to be available in populated areas. Once you get out into the country it's back to Edge or slower.
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Thanks for that link. How do you like your Jotto Desk. They look like they are very well built.

It's alot sturdier than the first stand I bought and the base is all that stays in the truck when I don't need a laptop stand. The base is pretty much out of the way and seldom noticed.
Its as close as I could find to the sturdy ones that are used by law enforcement without spending hundreds of dollars and still easy to remove.
It's alot sturdier than the first stand I bought and the base is all that stays in the truck when I don't need a laptop stand. The base is pretty much out of the way and seldom noticed.
Its as close as I could find to the sturdy ones that are used by law enforcement without spending hundreds of dollars and still easy to remove.

Thanks! I think I will get one for this camping/road trip season. Did you get auxillary "screen holder" they reccommend?