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WVO guys and blenders learn from my misery


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Tewksbury Mass.
I ran Biocide in my truck as a matter of habit when I had a clogging issue with my tank sock last year. Well, I ran out of Biocide about 2 months ago and didn't bother to rush and go get more. Well the truck has been fuel starving the last week or so and I had to keep filling the fuel manager under the hood every once in a while. Come to find out the screen in my walbro lift pump was clogged. This is with a CAT 1R-0749 pre-filter so my guess is the brown slime was something that was Biological in nature. Biocide is cheap guys and can save you some serious agravation if you use WVO or blend WVO into diesel.
Interesting.... If you where using the biocide previously, I didnt think 2 months without would be long enough for enough matter to build up to cause a problem. Are you sure it wasnt something else?
I have heard of putting biocide in regular diesels (mostly marine applications) but it doenst seem to be as big of a deal as with biodiesel.
Because regular diesel does not support life, but Bio-diesel can, especially straight veggie oil.

are u blending or running wvo via 2-tanks ?

and any one have success w/ biocide getting rid of funk in rancid or old wvo?
are u blending or running wvo via 2-tanks ?

and any one have success w/ biocide getting rid of funk in rancid or old wvo?

I was blending for a couple of years. I have to drop the tank as I am getting the tank sock clogging problem. At 199,000 miles I can't blame it entirely on the WVO but I now run Biocide year round as it only costs about $22 for a years supply.
I was blending for a couple of years. I have to drop the tank as I am getting the tank sock clogging problem. At 199,000 miles I can't blame it entirely on the WVO but I now run Biocide year round as it only costs about $22 for a years supply.

Biocides for fuel maintenance are formulated to be of a specific density so that it mixes well in the water layer where the living organisms live and thrive. Typically, the water layer may not be as thick in dino diesel tanks as for WVO or biodiesel tanks, unless tighter controls are in place to "dry" the latter (e.g., flashing or centrifuging). Regardless, water will always be present in fuel tanks.

So you guys know, when I pulled the tank a couple of weeks ago , I had no slime whatsoever in the tank. The Biocide worked wonders.
I have found a product made by Starbrite called Startron Diesel additive that helps in several ways and it's main incredient is Mineral Sprints that you buy at home supply stores for 8.00 dollars a gallon instead of 22.00 a pint in a fancy bottle at boating stores.
Star brite - Catalog - Product Detail
I found the MSDS at this web site before, but I can't find it now.:eek:
I have found a product made by Starbrite called Startron Diesel additive that helps in several ways and it's main incredient is Mineral Sprints that you buy at home supply stores for 8.00 dollars a gallon instead of 22.00 a pint in a fancy bottle at boating stores.
Star brite - Catalog - Product Detail
I found the MSDS at this web site before, but I can't find it now.:eek:

Don't forget, gasoline kills bugs also.