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WoooHOOOooo first tank of homemade BioD


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:) Made my first batch of BioD, ran up and down the road about twenty miles, nothing bad happened. I can't really tell any difference in performance. I estimate about 300-400 dollars in equipment and I think I can do up to 35 gallons, this batch was only 18, can't get enough WVO. Anybody else cooking in Virginia?
here are some pics.

Don't bother trying to find the pump. Ain't none, got an unemployed 18 yo and buckets. Duda has these 5 gal bucket filters that worked really well. my final filter was a 1Micron filter.
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The titration was what I was referring to. The acidity of the WVO that you were using. It tells you how much lye to add to neutralize it. Looks like your on the right path to success. You could always get an independent test of the end result as well. :thumbsup: