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Who's running bypass filtration?

BJ I'm running both Amsoil bypass filtration on my truck which takes me to about 25K intervals per lab oil analysis, and have FS2500 on my burb I have yet to run oil analysis on that one since I installed the FS2500, no data yet to know which I like better but Amsoils works fine, works better IMO with Amsoil filts, I ran with the Ams mount adapted for a while with Baldwin filters which are less $$$ than Amsoils but evens out with the longer change intervals IMO. I recently installed Bill's cold air intake kit on truck I need to change oil & re baseline my Amsoil setup to see if silica interval changes with that filter element vs the Amsoil Donnelson air filter element

FS2500 evaluation has been sidelined last 2 years as I've had that vehicle off the roads last 2 years doing a body swap (long story why it has been off for 2 years).

Alas too many experiments & not enough time to do the evaluations
BJ I thought you were going to centrifuge your oil? Im still running mine on the truck.
I have an oil sample from a couple months ago but am waiting for next change to send in both for compairison.
If you do go with the Amsoil let me know and I'll get you a great price.
I plan on installing the Amsoil set up on my burb.
BJ I thought you were going to centrifuge your oil? Im still running mine on the truck.
I have an oil sample from a couple months ago but am waiting for next change to send in both for compairison.
If you do go with the Amsoil let me know and I'll get you a great price.
I plan on installing the Amsoil set up on my burb.

'fuge is sitting in a moving box somewhere right now. Also, a little research reveals it's not really effective until 40+ psi pressure. Since it's up and down between 30-40 in normal driving, I'm not so sure it will be effective the way I want. Not really sure I like a controlled "leak" the 'fuge imparts on the oil system either (ie: the oil jets in the 'fuge)

Bypass is an option for me. The amsoil web site prices scare me off a bit for a 6.5 kit.

You can email me a price if you want Leroy. You should still have my email adress, yes?

Thanks for the update Tim. I knew you had the fs2500, didn't know about the amsoil. How many microns were those baldwins?
Copied from Amsoil web site, less than 1 micron.

"AMSOIL has designed a new high-efficiency by-pass filter element that is also a soot removal device. AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters use a synthetic/cellulose sandwiched media. The inner layer of the element is composed of a highly efficient cellulose media covered with a full synthetic media outer layer. According to ISO 23556 testing, these filters remove 39 percent of soot contaminants less than one micron. Soot removal efficiency increases approximately 10 to 14 percent when the EaBP Filter is used in conjunction with a standard full-flow filter."
Not really sure I like a controlled "leak" the 'fuge imparts on the oil system either (ie: the oil jets in the 'fuge)

I think Amsoil is one of the only ones that does not "leak oil" back to the crankcase. And I think Amsoil filters (Donaldson media are probably some of the best on the market right now).

I run a remote mount dual filter (perma-cool) its not bypass and the filters are in parallel so no extra filtration just extra media area. I like the added oil capacity and extra oil filter "canister" surface area to help cool the oil. I was working on a stationary diesel powered piece of equipment that was having a hard time passing the factory heat balance test due to high oil temp and when we tried a remote mount filter mounted in an air stream the oil temp went down a few degrees (5 ish degrees F iirc).

The bad thing about remote mount is hose is hard to pump oil through and I like the reduced restriction of parallel flow filters. Use minimum 1/2" hose size (bigger better) and mount close to the engine with care to route hose as straight as possible. Might want to also port any mounts to help flow if they look restrictive.
I run the FS2500 on my Duramax. I am very satisfied with it. The oil still gets dark in color, but when you feel it, there is no soot or particles in it. Just the dark color. The filter does a great job taking the soot out.
Same results here. I have 2 vehicles with FS2500's and 3 with Amsoil remote bypass filters. My bypass filters are all mounted near the drivers side/left side battery

BJ I'm running both Amsoil bypass filtration on my truck which takes me to about 25K intervals per lab oil analysis, and have FS2500 on my burb I have yet to run oil analysis on that one since I installed the FS2500, no data yet to know which I like better but Amsoils works fine, works better IMO with Amsoil filts, I ran with the Ams mount adapted for a while with Baldwin filters which are less $$$ than Amsoils but evens out with the longer change intervals IMO. I recently installed Bill's cold air intake kit on truck I need to change oil & re baseline my Amsoil setup to see if silica interval changes with that filter element vs the Amsoil Donnelson air filter element

FS2500 evaluation has been sidelined last 2 years as I've had that vehicle off the roads last 2 years doing a body swap (long story why it has been off for 2 years).

Alas too many experiments & not enough time to do the evaluations
Given the size of the orfice in the bypass filters I doubt hose size is much of an issue.

I think Amsoil is one of the only ones that does not "leak oil" back to the crankcase. And I think Amsoil filters (Donaldson media are probably some of the best on the market right now).

I run a remote mount dual filter (perma-cool) its not bypass and the filters are in parallel so no extra filtration just extra media area. I like the added oil capacity and extra oil filter "canister" surface area to help cool the oil. I was working on a stationary diesel powered piece of equipment that was having a hard time passing the factory heat balance test due to high oil temp and when we tried a remote mount filter mounted in an air stream the oil temp went down a few degrees (5 ish degrees F iirc).

The bad thing about remote mount is hose is hard to pump oil through and I like the reduced restriction of parallel flow filters. Use minimum 1/2" hose size (bigger better) and mount close to the engine with care to route hose as straight as possible. Might want to also port any mounts to help flow if they look restrictive.
I think Amsoil is one of the only ones that does not "leak oil" back to the crankcase. And I think Amsoil filters (Donaldson media are probably some of the best on the market right now).

I run a remote mount dual filter (perma-cool) its not bypass and the filters are in parallel so no extra filtration just extra media area. I like the added oil capacity and extra oil filter "canister" surface area to help cool the oil. I was working on a stationary diesel powered piece of equipment that was having a hard time passing the factory heat balance test due to high oil temp and when we tried a remote mount filter mounted in an air stream the oil temp went down a few degrees (5 ish degrees F iirc).

The bad thing about remote mount is hose is hard to pump oil through and I like the reduced restriction of parallel flow filters. Use minimum 1/2" hose size (bigger better) and mount close to the engine with care to route hose as straight as possible. Might want to also port any mounts to help flow if they look restrictive.

Actually, I was talking about a centirfuge not a bypas filter with the "controlled leak" thing....hense the abbreviation "fuge"....
Sorry leroy, truck broke some more stuff to day and pisssed me off so I'm not doing ny filtration stuff at the moment.

Nothing expensive, I changed the door latch mechanism and the fricking interior door handle broke of the third time I opened it.

but it ticked me off just enough to make me not want to spend any more money than I have to or even to work on it right now.

I got one nerve left and lately, this truck is really getting on it......
Given the size of the orfice in the bypass filters I doubt hose size is much of an issue.

Well, its a pet peave of mine just how the oil filter bypass pressure valve works on the 6.5 filter. The oil pump will bypass (pressure relief at about 90 ish psi iirc) but what about the 15 ish psi filter differential valve????

What I mean as "leak" is the orifice and flow back to crankcase through bypass filtration. Amsoil bypass uses a differential valve across the finer / full flow filter and all the filtration flow goes onward to lubrication. I suspect if flow goes to filters with amsoil it keeps going to lubrication. On other bypass filtration if it goes to bypass it dumps back to crankcase not lubing / cooling bearings etc.
As Leroy said, I have an Amsoil bypass on my rig. I fabbed up a bracket to mount it under the driver side rear door. My only complaint was that Amsoil sent 12' of hose and I needed 18', so I had a hydraulic shop make me a hose to the tune of $80.

At any rate, I haven't to got enough time on it to tell you how well it works or doesn't work. I've got about an hour on it with the new engine, which I guess is enough time for it start getting black with soot.

I have quite a few pics of the optimizer build that I need to post. I got behind on the project (hell, I spent all afternoon finally cleaning up the wiring from the PO. He installed trailer brake controller and made a mess of the wiring as well as 10-disc changer and just left the wiring exposed so I cut it out.) and it's more of a priority to get it on the road than post a bunch of pics.

I will say, though, that I'm quite proud of my mounting bracket, considering I have no fabrication tools. Used a piece of 3" x 3" angle iron and some 14 gauge sheet metal, a dremel, cut off wheel for my circular saw and my hand drill. When all was said and done, I could hang on it with my full 200+ lb self and it didn't move a bit.
Well, its a pet peave of mine just how the oil filter bypass pressure valve works on the 6.5 filter. The oil pump will bypass (pressure relief at about 90 ish psi iirc) but what about the 15 ish psi filter differential valve????

What I mean as "leak" is the orifice and flow back to crankcase through bypass filtration. Amsoil bypass uses a differential valve across the finer / full flow filter and all the filtration flow goes onward to lubrication. I suspect if flow goes to filters with amsoil it keeps going to lubrication. On other bypass filtration if it goes to bypass it dumps back to crankcase not lubing / cooling bearings etc.

So the Amsoil kit is a filter relocation kit with bypass. The oil comes into the housing and goes all the way along the oil channel. The way that it works is that that oil is forced through the full flow filter (which is 15 micron) and regular pressure. As metioned, there's a restriction orifice at the inlet to the bypass filter with only allows 10% of the oil flow to enter it. On the outlet side, they again run along the same channel back to the block.

The filters that come with the BMK-27 are huge. The bypass filter holds 1.5, almost 2 quarts of oil and the the full flow holds just over 1 quart. Between this and the length of the hose, along with the larger oil cooler and hose, my oil capacity has increased from 7 quarts to just over 11 quarts.