I posted quite some time ago that it was probably time for a new timing set for the 94. It's going to be getting the transmission swapped.
While I was working on it I decided I should get the Fluidamper for it off the shelf and in the truck. Then I remembered the timing chain and gears. Once I get to the Fluidamper I just as well check the timing chain.
What do I need in addition to the timing chain and gears to do the swap? Timing cover gasket?
Is there a detailed thread for timing chain and gear swap?
Where is the best place to buy a timing set these days?
Is Cloyes the best?
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$94.38 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
BarMac Automotive Add to Cart
$107.04 + $7.49 shipping
3 new from $81.28
Cloyes C3097 3 Piece Set
Price: $81.28
While I was working on it I decided I should get the Fluidamper for it off the shelf and in the truck. Then I remembered the timing chain and gears. Once I get to the Fluidamper I just as well check the timing chain.
What do I need in addition to the timing chain and gears to do the swap? Timing cover gasket?
Is there a detailed thread for timing chain and gear swap?
Where is the best place to buy a timing set these days?
Is Cloyes the best?
Amazon.com Add to Cart
$94.38 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
BarMac Automotive Add to Cart
$107.04 + $7.49 shipping
3 new from $81.28
Cloyes C3097 3 Piece Set
Price: $81.28
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