Anybody got any ideas on why my truck is usin water periodically.Im in southern Texas & our heat index gets to around 108 at times & even hotter at times.Have no leaks whatsoever & no water in oil or fuel.Looked the engine over good & no indication of a leak anywere.Someone told me its the heat hear thats doing it.They said its called evaporation from the high heat here.Sometimes I can go a long time without adding & othertimes a short spam.Never the same usage from time to time.I used to live up in Wisc. & my cars never used water up there like here in Texas.I am using the GM antifreez for the truck,its a 50/50 mix.Also thought maybe I blew a headgasket but thats a no, headgasket,phew,well,anyway thats were I stand with it.Any other ideas you have might help me pinpoint it that I mighta overlooked.Also no water coming out of the exhaust either.Nice & dry.