For yall that only use your trailers ever so often, what is the best way to prevent dry rot? cover them? dont cover them? spray them with armerall? Park on boreds or something?
I was always told to park on boards with carpet(if you can) and cover them.
From a site;
"Much of what is called "dry rot" is deterioration due to exposure to ultra violet (UV) radiation from the Sun. Keeping the bike out of direct sunlight, and or covered with a UV resistant cover will prolong tire life."
Get them off the ground and keep the sunlight off of them but the best thing to do is roll them. Tires have a lot of oil in them and rolling down the road heats the tire and evenly distributes the oil's inside the compound. I know, who has time to hook up the trailer and just drag it around every few weeks but that is the best way to keep them in good shape.
My spare blew out this weekend and it was never used and under a cover since new. It made it about 20 miles before it blew and tore the fender off my trailer.