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suspicious noise......or maybe not


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I went fishing this evening and on the way home I noticed something. Not sure if it's supposed to do it or not but it sounds like a noise that shouldn't be there. I was driving with the windows down and had bushes on either side of the truck. I noticed that if I accelerated and listened the turbo would start to spool and when I let off it would unspool and then there would be a slight rattle. Very hard to describe and not very loud. I may try to get some video of it doing it and see if I can pick it up that way.
The only way I can describe it would be that if you took a spring and slid it down a rod onto a metal base. I know that sounds ridiculous but that's what it sounds like to me. :D It only does it when I let off the throttle and after the turbo hiss goes away...there's like a 2 second delay and it'll do it. I can get it to do it everytime too. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? :D I'll try to get some video of it.
I would not worry. The change in harmonics that go on in an engine to begin with, then throw in a turbo that can change size in split seconds and your bound to rattle some of the cheap azz heat shields along the way.