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SUNOVA......TDCO is F........d

great white

Well-Known Member
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Canada's Ocean Playground
Well, I recently replaced the injectors and glow plugs.

Truck was running decent, thought I'd do a TDCO since miine is OBDII.

Checked for codes-none.

Warmed the truck up past 180, did the KOKO relearn found on the forum.

Now, the truck runs like shit!

Bucking, missing, blue smoke, black smoke form hell on accell, hard to start and MIL P1214 codes!


Tried a couple relearns, no joy.

What the hell is going on?

All that was done was the KOKO relearn and now it runs like crap and won't come back in.....
Your PMD condition? Do you have a resistor in your PMD?

AcesnEights PMD shit the bed EXACTLY when I tapped into the TDCO area with my scanner, and I thought I f'ed his truck out.

Turbine Doc was at his house too and had a spare PMD, smoothed it right out.

His truck was bucking, smoking, misfiring, the whole nine yards...

Different PMD smoothed it right out.
That would be one hell of a coincidence...

Like I said, truck was running fine, attempt KOKO TDCO and now it's running like crap...

Maybe its not that much of a cooincedence PMD died. It most defanately did it on Kenny's rig, when 4 of us TTS'ers were watching it.... Maybe something with the learn sends something into the PMD (to read resistor value?) and fries a tired PMD??

His truckw as idling so rough it looked like it was going to snap engine mounts, smoke was coming out of the manifolds, and it was horrid.
Imagine dealers running into this. No wonder they just changed PMD's and IP's out together under that painful warranty they had.
More info:

It wants to idle at 750 rpm instead of its usual 600-650 rpm on start.

A jab at the throttle drops it to 600 rpm, but it smokes and bucks and smokes.

Idles smooth until the water temp crosses the TDCO parameters...

Shows a pending P1214 trouble code, but not active.

WTF is going on here?

Absolutely nothing was changed form good to poor running other than initiating KOKO test.

Wish I'd never heard of it now...
Your IP might be a way out, and the KOKO did reset the PCM.

In case something was wrong with koko, try disconnect the batteries.
When disconnected, join + and - cables together.

Let that sit for 10 mns at least.

separate + and -, reconnect batteries. She should rattle at start. See what's going on then...
Initiating a TDCO with the KOKO is fine if things are right. But, if the timing is off (physical timing, as in IP moved) and you do a TDLearn, it will reset to new timing.

If the resistor is wrong and you do a TDLearn, you'll get the new value.

I think Al might be right - You may have to re-time the thing... but first check for resistor. If you have a spare PMD, give it a try, but I doubt it - that's pretty unique that Kenny's died (has to be, to surprise Tim)
You could try to snug up the transistors in the existing PMD. Some have said that 'brings it back to life' for short time.

Both mine and TD's scanner was reading 0.0 for Fuel requested during this event. I think the timings were reading very f'ed up too.

Even ballpark IP range usually gets driveability even after a complete replacement from what I've read.
Well, it's becoming obvious none of my current scanning software and elm 327 interface is going to get the job done. I'll need to buy autoenginuity or Car code. Probably car code for the price, I can learn the program.

More info:

The IP and cover have a scribe mark on it. The pump has been rotated to the passenger side approx 1-1.5 MM. Maybe it's been off all this time and the relearn just "brought it out"?

But without a scanner, I'm p-ing in the wind with moving it...
It should run fine enough straight up or down by eye. Then you can fine tune it. It wont run like complete shit 1mm out from verticle. I've moved mine around enough and a few others to know no drastic nasty violent running happens being 1mm off.

At least in my experiences which is only 4 times with 3 different 6.5's.

Move it around, see if it helps/hurts...
Here's more:

Tried disconnecting both batteries for 20 mins.

Started up and ran fine. Yippee! A moment of happiness!

No smoke, no bucking, nothing.

But then:

Temp hit 77c (exactly by the scanner) and TDCO learn must have initiated (as per FSM).

Rattling, bucking, smoking, etc. Let it run for a couple minutes and no change.

I'm kind of baffled now. All I can think is the IP timing is out enough beyond the 2.(whatever it was) that the PCM can't bring it back in.

The problem appears to be tied to ECT and TDCO learn....

the thing that really sucks is I just got the F-er all back together, buttoned up and running well. Then I had to do that F-n TDCO KOKO thing......Grrrrr....mad at myself for not leaving well enough alone....
Put the pump on the marks. You really have nothing to loose at this point. I'll bet it is out of the range of the stepper motor, Where it's at now.