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Storing B100

Matt Bachand

Depends on the 6.5
Reaction score
Worcester, MA
I have some plastic juice containers which are pretty thick w/ screw on tops. They are 3 liters or so. (look like a gallon to me). Will B100 store well in these? I assume it will, but i'll ask, as it will make one hellova mess to learn this the hard way.

I don't know about B100, but I attempted to store kerosene in the 1 gallon plastic jugs that it was sold in.

The factory sealed jugs still allowed about 10% of the kerosene to evaporate (or something) over a 4 year period. I don't know what caused it, though.
I don't know about B100, but I attempted to store kerosene in the 1 gallon plastic jugs that it was sold in.

The factory sealed jugs still allowed about 10% of the kerosene to evaporate (or something) over a 4 year period. I don't know what caused it, though.

I'm only storing it so its in an easy form to add to my tank 1 gallon per fillup. They will be gone in a few months tops.

Plus its nice to get a visual on it to see settling, sediment, etc.

And of course so I can smell it, and show it off.

Just don't want to come home and find empty jugs and a large mess!!

I guess its 6 months........... This stuff is going to be too much trouble for me I can tell already. I'm going to 2 gallons per 22 gallons or roughly a little under 10% to use it up.

I have 15 gallons in my xfer tank.

Watch it rot my xfer tank hose.


Argh. Regret.
most of our diesels are set up with Veg systems to run straight vegetable oil and in the diesel tank we run %5 wvo. even the ones not yet with a veg system we run %5 in the tank. we splash blend at 4000 gal. we never have a problem