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Starting another project. Couple questions


6.5 nut job/addict
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I'm starting another engine project. This one will be a "hybrid" of sorts. It's a 93 "599" block 6.2 that will get all the 6.5 turbo parts put on it. This engine has less than 100,000 miles on it. I pulled the heads to install ARP studs and peek at the cylinders.
My questions are: how flat do the heads need to be? I measured with a precision straight edge and i'm getting .008 in the center of the head. The other head and block decks are under .005 . I would think the studs could easily pull that much down. It didn't leak with the factory tty bolts. They did require different amounts of torque to remove[one of the reasons I won't use the tty bolts]
The other question is: do I use 6.2 or 6.5 head gaskets? Will the 6.2 gaskets hold up to boost? They are listed as different part numbers.
Thanks for any help.Barry:confused:
Use 6.5 gasket on 6.5 head. Wish I had your engine building capability!! I have to clean out my garage so I can even stand the engine stand up.
Just read a article from the page that said the 6.5 gaskets are much better. They reccomended using 6.5 head gaskets on a 6.2.
My questions are: how flat do the heads need to be? I measured with a precision straight edge and i'm getting .008 in the center of the head.

I was always taught that the rule was .002 per cylinder, which would be a total max of .008, so I think yours will be O.K. Like you said, the studs should be able to pull that flat better than the TTY anyway.
from what i have been told the 599 6.2 and 599 6.5 have the same or very similar heads (correct me if im wrong on that) so i would think the head gaskets would be the same. i had this question as well. i think ill use the 6.5 ones now felpro or VR
Got the alldata page from chevycowboy and finnally found it in the gm manual. Lengthwise can only be .006 and crosswise .002 warpage. Time to measure again. Hate to scrap one that isn't cracked. Thanks for the help. The build thread should start soon.Lots of pics already.