I've run the Powermaster for a bit over a year now & like it.
Have v good batts, 1-0 cables, & the engine's 19:1 - really spins my 6.5 over. Did all these things plus manual glow extension to help the lower comp start reliably in the winter, and it the plan worked.
Started it once @ -8 F, w/o engine heater just to see if I could depend on that if necessary. Otherwise it'll usually get plugged in when it's that cold for less wear-n-tear.
If using the factory cable, I believe there was some sort of small 90 degree bent locating tab on the factory batt cable starter terminal. It was a small interference easily snipped off w/ side cutters.
Here's a link to this starter on Summit's online catalog.
If memory serves, the OEM starter's main power terminal was oriented parallel to the starter's body. The pic in the link shows the stud orientation on the Powermaster. It winds up close enough to the oil pan to be aware of making certain nothing can short.