Intelligence Guided By Experience
Just wanted to let you know Stanadyne has a NEW PMD with a Higher Heat rating. The "old style" is Black and the "new style" is Gray. Stanadyne has changed the Harness end that plugs into the PMD. They changed the shape of it AND the resistor so you can't use the "old style" harness on the "new style" PMD. If you are buying a PMD from Stanadyne be sure to get the "kit" # 35976. Mine was replaced under warranty and I had to make an extra trip to Diesel Injection in Cincinnati,Oh. because the parts man did NOT give me the whole "kit" , just the PMD and I had to go back and get the correct harness to fit the "new style" PMD. He told me ALL Stanadyne PMD's made after October of 2008 have a TWO YEAR Warranty. The parts man did file a little off the resistor and it fit into the opening as it should. Keith
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