Detroit Dan
New Member
Apparently Auto Zone has them. Who is dumber here?
A young girl I know was bragging on Facebook about knowing how to change her own sparkplugs in her car, so I asked her if she could change the sparkplugs in my diesel pickup (because I'm funny like that, and she is a total ditz). She says, sure it's wicked easy, takes like two seconds. I ask her how much she'd charge me, says nothing, just get the plugs. So I tell her my phones dead and ask her if she'll order the sparkplugs for me. Give her the make and model and tell her to make sure to tell them it's or a diesel. I'm giggling all day over this. Eventually she writes back and says Autozone can get them, but they have to order them and they're $10 each. I say that doesn't sound right, they must be talking about glow plugs instead. She says well, that's what AZ told her.
So I think my little practical joke backfired. AZ was supposed to tell her "diesels don't have sparkplugs, sweetheart." at which point she was supposed to be mad at me for pulling her leg and call me a jerk. But since AZ only hires the mentally challenged, they fell for it too. I know she didn't figure it out and try to play me back, she's nowhere near that smart.
A young girl I know was bragging on Facebook about knowing how to change her own sparkplugs in her car, so I asked her if she could change the sparkplugs in my diesel pickup (because I'm funny like that, and she is a total ditz). She says, sure it's wicked easy, takes like two seconds. I ask her how much she'd charge me, says nothing, just get the plugs. So I tell her my phones dead and ask her if she'll order the sparkplugs for me. Give her the make and model and tell her to make sure to tell them it's or a diesel. I'm giggling all day over this. Eventually she writes back and says Autozone can get them, but they have to order them and they're $10 each. I say that doesn't sound right, they must be talking about glow plugs instead. She says well, that's what AZ told her.
So I think my little practical joke backfired. AZ was supposed to tell her "diesels don't have sparkplugs, sweetheart." at which point she was supposed to be mad at me for pulling her leg and call me a jerk. But since AZ only hires the mentally challenged, they fell for it too. I know she didn't figure it out and try to play me back, she's nowhere near that smart.