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spark plugs for the 6.5

Detroit Dan

New Member
Reaction score
Epping NH
Apparently Auto Zone has them. Who is dumber here?

A young girl I know was bragging on Facebook about knowing how to change her own sparkplugs in her car, so I asked her if she could change the sparkplugs in my diesel pickup (because I'm funny like that, and she is a total ditz). She says, sure it's wicked easy, takes like two seconds. I ask her how much she'd charge me, says nothing, just get the plugs. So I tell her my phones dead and ask her if she'll order the sparkplugs for me. Give her the make and model and tell her to make sure to tell them it's or a diesel. I'm giggling all day over this. Eventually she writes back and says Autozone can get them, but they have to order them and they're $10 each. I say that doesn't sound right, they must be talking about glow plugs instead. She says well, that's what AZ told her.

So I think my little practical joke backfired. AZ was supposed to tell her "diesels don't have sparkplugs, sweetheart." at which point she was supposed to be mad at me for pulling her leg and call me a jerk. But since AZ only hires the mentally challenged, they fell for it too. I know she didn't figure it out and try to play me back, she's nowhere near that smart.
You should set her straight though as she may now go through the rest of her life not knowing otherwise your question backed up by AZs ability to get spark plugs for her.

Just for grins with my vehicle info at AZ's web site I typed in spark plus in the search tool, and got a no items found, typed in just plug and several glow items populated the search so at least it is correct on their site, whether or not the AZ employees know how to search &U don't know the difference is another yet scarier issue.
this reminds me of the time I stopped at Advance auto to get filters and such for the dually, the lady behind the counter said: I see you're changing the oil and the filters on your car, would you like to get spark plugs and cables while you're at it? it'll make your car run better (this was after she asked make model and engine type to get the filters) Nah, spark plugs are for people who dont know better but thanks. -But it'll improve your gas mileage sir, you should get them. -My truck dont use spark plugs ma'am, thank you. -Excuse me sir, but all vehicles do. -Alright let's place a wager, if you find spark plugs for my truck I'll give you ten bucks, if not you give me 20% discount... y'all know how the story ended :D
Muffler bearings are OUT OF STOCK...

I wonder if you can get "EXHAUST FLUID" for a '11 HD duramax yet?
Wants to change the 'plugs' on your truck for free...

Do I hear wedding bells?

she just wrote that my truck doesn't take spark plugs, so someone must have told her. I dont know if she thinks I didnt know, or if she knows I was messin with her. So I wrote back and said thanks for trying anyway.
and someone else wrote hahahahahahahahaha after that.

oh well, it was good for a chuckle!
I witnessed a cab driver pulling his vw bug into a shop.. Hey man, could you check my radiator and put water in it? this thing is overheating, the mechanic spent a good 25 minutes under the hood looking for it before I told him the cabbie was pulling his leg.