I know the Mt2500 doesn't but wasnt sure about the solus. A guy at my other job has one. I'm gonna see if I can get together with him. either that or I'll just try the one the guys is selling. 1700$ sound like a good price for one ? It's updated with asian and domestic to 2007.
Ya know maybe thats the one I am thinking of. Price sound good if you have a good use for it. Try TD he might know for sure, Or I would bet Heath would know for sure.
I think Autoenginutity and a brand new laptop is a much better and cheaper deal than a used snapon that may not be accurate with a 6.5. Plus you get a much larger screen and the laptop has many other uses.
I want something that can do the 6.5 and more. The Solus can do Dmax, Cummins and PS AFAIK so it would be an all around good tool to have and 1700$ is a sick deal. That thing is over 5k.