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Silicone spray for carb gaskets and mechanisms while rebuilding? Gasket coating ?


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Pendleton, SC
I watched a youtube video from Mike's Carburators and he advised to spray Silicone spray on gaskets. He said it kept them pliable and helped them from sticking. And he used silicone spray to lube a few parts of the carb on assembly. Is that what ya'll do. He said avoid WD-40 as it is bad for carbs. I don't use WD-40 on precision stuff I am worried that will gum up from the WD-40 evaporating and leaving gummy residue.

I have heard of a light coat of grease on intake gaskets to avoid sticking. Is the silicone spray good for any other gaskets? Any good shop practices advised for gaskets in general other than clean surface install dry and maybe a light coat of RTV or the Right stuff on critical areas like pan corners "joints" etc
I used silicone spray on my Barry Grant carb gaskets. I use grease on my 6.2 intake gaskets,so I can reuse them.
Holley float bowl and metering block gaskets (black oe type), Chapstick. Works good. Suppose it would be just fine for the others too.
I watched a youtube video from Mike's Carburators and he advised to spray Silicone spray on gaskets. He said it kept them pliable and helped them from sticking. And he used silicone spray to lube a few parts of the carb on assembly. Is that what ya'll do. He said avoid WD-40 as it is bad for carbs. I don't use WD-40 on precision stuff I am worried that will gum up from the WD-40 evaporating and leaving gummy residue.

I have heard of a light coat of grease on intake gaskets to avoid sticking. Is the silicone spray good for any other gaskets? Any good shop practices advised for gaskets in general other than clean surface install dry and maybe a light coat of RTV or the Right stuff on critical areas like pan corners "joints" etc

yes silicone sprays are very good for gaskets even I am using it.. You can say it is the best affordable spray
I watched a youtube video from Mike's Carburators and he advised to spray Silicone spray on gaskets. He said it kept them pliable and helped them from sticking. And he used silicone spray to lube a few parts of the carb on assembly. Is that what ya'll do. He said avoid WD-40 as it is bad for carbs. I don't use WD-40 on precision stuff I am worried that will gum up from the WD-40 evaporating and leaving gummy residue.

I have heard of
hid xenon kits coat of grease on intake gaskets to avoid sticking. Is the silicone spray good for any other gaskets? Any good shop practices advised for gaskets in general other than clean surface install dry and maybe a light coat of RTV or the Right stuff on critical areas like pan corners "joints" etc

yes silicone sprays are very good for gaskets even I am using it.. You can say it is the best affordable spray
Sprays are nice and nothing else..
Welcome to the truck stop RandallBell. Usually people start posting in a forum about their truck. Thanks for the reply.

Everyone here is friendly its just first post and second just seem suspicious. Note HID xenon kits coats error in quote above.

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I also googled silicone a bit and seems you need to watch out for any that have harmful propellants in the spray can or any cleaners in them.