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Shutting off without any notice


My first diesel!
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Garner, NC
On Sat., I was driving to my son's football game and my truck just cut off for seemingly no reason. I was able to shift to neutral and get her restarted. It did this to me 3 more times before I got to the game. We sat at the game for almost 2 hours (we lost by 1 stinking point!!).

Started her up and she ran fine all the way home. I changed the fuel filter because it needed to be changed. It ran fine for 2 more days until last night. It cut off while I was idling a red light. It started back immediately and has run good today (~30 miles).

Does anyone have any ideas what it could be? I have replaced the lift pump twice in the last 70k miles. If it is the lift pump, I will break down and get the Heath pump this time. It seems like it is not getting fuel.

When the lift pump went out before, it had a problem starting, not cutting off when running.

Thanks for your imput,
That sounds like a dying PMD. I see you have a Heath one. I would give Bill a call. Despite popular belief even his fail. The one I had did. BTW He honors the warranty NQA which is why his is worth buying but many fail sooner or later anyway. The lift pump is easy enough to test but the symptoms you are describing sound more like Typical PMD.
Just talked to Todd at Heath. He is sending me a new pmd. I am going to install the new one and see if that fixes the problem. If it does fix it, I will send back the old one under warranty. If no fixy, then I will reinstall the old one and send the new one back.

The few times I have called Heath's, I have gotten the best customer service ever. These guys are great!!

Let us know if that does it. I am curious. I am starting to believe that there is NO solution to PMD failure except relocating it to the trash can....:D
It could be your oil pressure sensor unit. The same thing would happen to me and replacing it solved my problems. The OPSU is in the valley of the engine under your upper intake I think for pre 95 engines it is behind the intake and easier to get to.
You really need to run LP tests. Is there fuel pressure while idling? You can do simple check just to make sure there is fuel coming out the drain while iding. If no fuel comes out there is no pressure.
Mine just started doing the same thing today. 11 years and 105,000 miles without issue then bam. I filled up today before I headed to work, which is about 30 miles. Truck ran fine. went to lunch and the truck shuts off - dead. No studder or gradual loss of power just off. Wait a couple minutes and it starts fine. Definately not fuel related in my case because it shuts off right now. I'm thinking PMD or oil pump sensor. Would a bad oil pump sensor show at the guage or is it independent? I'm thinking it is independent.

Right now I'm stuck at work arguing with AAA about their rates. Apparently they will only tow 3 miles and want $3.95 cash paid to the driver per mile after that.

Is there a temporary fix or workaround to get it running until I can get it home? IIRC, someone mentioned ice but I can't find it right now.
This is exactly my point. This whole relocate the PMD thing is not much better than being on the IP IMHO. As time goes on starting to hear more stories of PMD relocates dead. I had a Heath diesel setup on my old 2000 and it died within two years. BTW Bill honored his warranty without issue for the NEW owner of the truck. That said there is only two things to do. Carry a spare PMD or convert to a DB2. These D-tech/DiPacos that were supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread are failing worse than the Standynes and in much more horrible ways. The D Tech on my Dually was less than a year old and Tim, Matt and Bill saw first hand . Rather than a typical stalling this thing was shaking the truck so bad at idle it nearly tore the motor mounts lose. Nope gents, I don't beleive there is a cure to PMD death, just prolonging the inevitable.
That is my .02. feel free to counter it but I believe as time goes on we will see more failures.
As far Toodlnrd goes, if Heath is sending him a new one I am certain they went through the usual stuff with him before sending it. I am very curious to see if it is indeed the PMD. If so it will cement my belief...Relocate it to the trash can...:rofl:
So what do we have to do to get a DB2 Conversion forum? Then we need someone to make a box to allow the PCM to work with the DB2 TPS sensor. That would take most of the hassle out of converting
This is exactly my point. This whole relocate the PMD thing is not much better than being on the IP IMHO. As time goes on starting to hear more stories of PMD relocates dead. I had a Heath diesel setup on my old 2000 and it died within two years. BTW Bill honored his warranty without issue for the NEW owner of the truck. That said there is only two things to do. Carry a spare PMD or convert to a DB2. These D-tech/DiPacos that were supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread are failing worse than the Standynes and in much more horrible ways. The D Tech on my Dually was less than a year old and Tim, Matt and Bill saw first hand . Rather than a typical stalling this thing was shaking the truck so bad at idle it nearly tore the motor mounts lose. Nope gents, I don't beleive there is a cure to PMD death, just prolonging the inevitable.
That is my .02. feel free to counter it but I believe as time goes on we will see more failures.
As far Toodlnrd goes, if Heath is sending him a new one I am certain they went through the usual stuff with him before sending it. I am very curious to see if it is indeed the PMD. If so it will cement my belief...Relocate it to the trash can...:rofl:

I got 6+ years out of mine before it failed. The first one was covered under warranty. I don't remember the symptoms - they just swaped it out for me at the dealership.

My idea, and you heard it here first, would be a switch that would toggle between a primary and secondary driver, failover if you will. It seems like they will eventually go and when they do it isn't gradual. The switch could either be automatic and give you a warning light on the dash that a driver failure has occurred with the recovery (switchover) totally transparent to the operator or manual operation, requiring the operator to switch between a failed driver and an functional driver.

This time I'm going with a driver that has a warranty.
What you're suggesting isn't going to happen on a 10 year old vehicle, unless you mastermind the thing yourself.

Most folks are doing just what you suggested by having a spare PMD in the glovebox! If you have an external location, and you can unplug and replace in 30 seconds longer then it takes you to get it in your hands out out of the truck!
I didn't realize aftermarket product development had stopped for the 6.5TD. /sarc

Sure, carrying a spare is just as easy. However, setting up a simple switch (it doesn't even have to be mounted in the cab) that will keep both drivers on line instead of in the glovebox doesn't seem all that difficult to engineer. You could even use the standars snap connectors to make it even easier (one in two out). And, I'll tell you first hand that I would have rather flipped a switch and been on my way when my truck died in the middle of a busy intersection than wait 3-5 minutes, restart, pull over to the side of the road and replace the driver with the one in the glove box. To me, that's worth the price of an easy to install $30 part.