Hello all ... Well I am sure it has been answered but I cant find it. I tow quite a bit with my lawn equiptment, rocks, mulch, etc. on a daily basis. My back shocks are getting saggy with a loaded trailer. They are the orig. shocks front and rear. Its time to upgrade. I have green keys and shock ext. sitting in the garage. I will be doing the 2" block for the rear from another post in DIY. I see shocks that people use, but I tow with it, not drive around or back and forth to work. I wanted the 5100's, but dont know what part numbers to get and what lengths. The other post says to use longer shocks. I just want to make sure that these shocks hold out when I'm loaded. Eventually I will get air bags for teh rear, money permitting later on. All opinions welcomed. BTW: This has to be done ASAP.