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Replacing thermostats, Sealant, lube or nothing?


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Rural Clifton, Illinois
Replacing thermostats, Sealant, lube or nothing?

I am in the process of replacing the thermostats in the 1998 Suburban.

I can't get the parts as clean as I would like without investing a lot more time or taking it apart further.

There was some oxidation present.

What should I use to insure I do not have a leak when I'm done?

I have synthetic grease, food grade food service grease, black silicone, Permatex gasket maker or nothing at all.

How clean does it have to be to not worry about leaks?

It did not appear to be leaking before.
The stat has the rubber gasket. I did some more cleaning and used the kitchen grease that we used on dishwashers to coat everything. No leaks and hopefully no oxidation if I ever have to take it apart again
It calls for nothing, try it with nothing. Easy enough to try something else if it leaks. I think there is a o-ring part of the T-stat that seals, don't remember its been a long time, but I know there is no gasket or silicone called for anyhow.