The final goal is getting the defrost door fixed. The a/c blows out of the defrost vents which is a waste and also covers the windshield with condensation in the mornings, can't have that!
So I decided to take the dash out and then see if I can fix the defrost door without taking the hvac distribution box out.
So far, I did the following:
- took out the center console and the driver seat. I love having enough room to work.
- removed the knee panel under the steering
- removed the metal plates under the steering column
- removed the 4 nuts holding the steering column in place
Now I am supposed to be able to "drop it to the floor" but there is a large tube across the whole dash... so, how does the steering column drop to the floor??
- removed the dash rattle stop screws (top of dash, where the defrost vent is)
- removed the two dash pivot bolts on the far ends of the dash
What else am I missing before I can remove the dash, or at least pivot it? Ideally, I would like to remove it all the way, because its not like there is going to be room to spare working with the hvac box...
So I decided to take the dash out and then see if I can fix the defrost door without taking the hvac distribution box out.
So far, I did the following:
- took out the center console and the driver seat. I love having enough room to work.
- removed the knee panel under the steering
- removed the metal plates under the steering column
- removed the 4 nuts holding the steering column in place
Now I am supposed to be able to "drop it to the floor" but there is a large tube across the whole dash... so, how does the steering column drop to the floor??
- removed the dash rattle stop screws (top of dash, where the defrost vent is)
- removed the two dash pivot bolts on the far ends of the dash
What else am I missing before I can remove the dash, or at least pivot it? Ideally, I would like to remove it all the way, because its not like there is going to be room to spare working with the hvac box...