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RATDOC needs prayers

Turbine Doc

Just Another Diesel Guy
Reaction score
Gautier, Ms./Anywhere Southern USA
Hey I don't know how many of you from the old sites, know RATDOC (Tom A. in Long Island) I just got a email his Dad passed away, if ya'll are keepers of the faith put him & his family in your thoughts & prayers over the next several days.

he was one of my 6.5 mentors back in the day, now a Dmax guy for about 6 years, but MIA from forums due to health issues of parents.
Prayers Sent. Folks in bad health can keep anyone busy.
Prayers sent

My folks have been gone many years now but the feelings never leave totally.

Best to Ratdoc and his family during this tough time.

Missy and family
I have never had the pleasaure of knowing ratdoc, but as others have shown on this site, this is becoming "family" for me. When "family" hurts I hurt. I lost my dad 7 years ago so I fully understand. I am amazed at how many believing people are on this site, way to go!!

My prayers will be going with you and your family ratdoc.
