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Putting Pictures in your Posts


Staff member
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Getting pictures to appear in your posts is easy. We'll discuss a few different methods here,

a] From an online hosting service such as flickr or photobucket
b] From a photo you attach from your computer

First, we assume you have a picture you want to attach! The picture needs to be in jpeg, bmp, png, or gif format, should be no larger than 100kb, and should be re-sized to a maximum of 640x480 so we don't have to side-scroll to see it all. If your picture does not fit into the standard frame width, it is too big.

If you have already posted your pictures to an online service such as flickr or photobucket, getting your picture into your post is simple:

a] From an online hosting service such as flickr or photobucket

- First, get the address location (URL) of the picture.
. - Open a new browser window or tab
. - Go to where the picture is hosted, so you can see it on your screen
. - Right-click on the picture
. - (if using Firefox) select 'Copy Image Location'
. - (if using Internet Explorer, select 'Properties' then highlight the address (URL) and press <ctrl-c>

Now that you have the address (URL) of the picture copied, go back to your post, navigatge to the point where you want to display the picture, click once, then select the 'insert picture' icon

That will pop-up an address window. Paste your copied URL in there by pressing <ctrl-v>


and Voila! Your picture will appear!


To get the pictures from your computer, the process is similar:

b] From a photo you attach from your computer

The process of pasting the address into the post is identical to above, but getting the address is slightly different.

First, attach your picture to your post:
. - Under 'additional options, choose 'manage attachments'

. - select 'Preview Post' at the bottom (you might have to scroll down to get it)

You'll see a preview of your post, including the thumbnail of the picture you just attached. You will need to get its' address, just like above, depending on if you use Firefox or IE.

. - right-click on the picture
. - copy the address
. - go insert it ad shown above.

ONE thing to watch:

- if your file address (URL) contains the string '&thumb=1', delete that part after you paste. Leaving it in there will give you a thumbnail of your picture, not the real picture.

Hope this helps!!


  • Untitled_1.jpeg
    17.6 KB · Views: 148
  • Untitled_2.jpeg
    6.5 KB · Views: 142
  • Untitled_3.jpeg
    4.7 KB · Views: 153
  • Untitled_4.jpeg
    11.2 KB · Views: 140
pretty good...site limits are 800x600 though...that doesn't cause side scrolling

I always just clicked on the picture right clicked and selected copy location to avoid the thumbnail outcome...I never realized that "thumb1" was in the string causing it...I'll have to check it out next time I post pics...

good write up Jim!
Nice write up Jim :thumbsup:...Mind if I add a couple points?

I guess I'm an old forum geezer that still uses the
tags. Old habits die hard - I just copy and paste the address between the tags and it works for me. I forget it's hard for some people to do it.
What I do is save the image to my computer, then use Irfanview to resize them and save as jpg (usually around 600 pixels wide to prevent side scrolling) before uploading the images to photobucket, then paste the URL from photobucket of the image between those brackets. That keeps image loads off the forum server.

I do remember a time when certain sites did not like it when you 'hot linked' images from their sites as that would mean they were hosting them on a site not their own. I've seen some pretty nasty things happen to those photos (porn). :eek:
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Thanks, Ozzie - I'm planning to write up an Irfanview 'how-to' when I get a few spare minutes.

I'd like this section to contain a set of technical 'how-to' documents - so if anybody has any suggestions on how to improve the first one (above), please get 'em out here so I can make this first one better!

Keep in mind that many corporate firewalls block out most of the image hosting and social networking sites. So if you choose that method, a good number of us will not be able to see those photos....
Keep in mind that many corporate firewalls block out most of the image hosting and social networking sites. So if you choose that method, a good number of us will not be able to see those photos....

Not if you use method (b) ... but great point, minisub.
I am looking for a image resizing tool for vista... yup, vista. I cant stand it. my old program that I had for XP doesnt work on vista. I don't want to download some visious program that screws me up.. :D so, I need a sugestion or two.
I am looking for a image resizing tool for vista... yup, vista. I cant stand it. my old program that I had for XP doesnt work on vista. I don't want to download some visious program that screws me up.. :D so, I need a sugestion or two.

I like Irfanview - it handles many of the basic functions such as re-sizing, format conversion, greyscale - ing, colour/contrast/brightness adjustment, red-eye reduction, etc.

It takes up VERY little room on disk or memory, and it's free!


Another one is Paint.net... it is also highly featured, free, and versatile.


Finally, from the GNU software alliance, GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) is another handy tool. You can find it at:

or, if you want one to carry around with you on a flash drive (so you always have GIMP, no matter what computer you're on), you can get the Portable Apps version at


Online programs
where you can work on your pics online (no software to install) are also handy,depending on (a) your bandwidth, and (b) how secure you want your photos to be... uploading them to work on them doesn't seem particularly safe to me, but hey... it's your daughter.

Pixlr - very much a photoshop-clone interface, Pixlr.com provides a nice web 2.0 platform for working with your images.

Photoshop Express... an online version of photoshop. Requires a membership, and is a little slow... I don't use it, but I've heard it's good like Photoshop.

Splashup! - Online, fully-featured, web 2.0 compliant... Splashup is another good online offering.

There are lots of others, but that's enough of a list to start with!
Nice guide, I have only one thing to add. That is when you save pictures from microsoft paint, you should save as .png instead of .jpeg. It will make the picture quality come out better.

If you safe an image in photoshop jpeg it will be fine, microsoft paint just ruins the picture for some reason.