Power steering pump total failure, can the booster and steering box be flushed? :skep:
Not that it matters to me at the moment as the parts in question are being replaced due to a covered part failure of the PS pump. (Real PIA job for the booster and just did the box anyway!) Installed a reman pump and it didn't make 10 miles or 30 min. Was leaking bad and coated everything under the hood including oil coating the belt.
Old OEM pump, oil free, to the right.
You see it the shaft is on the metal of the seal on one side and not touching the seal at all on the other shown in the pic. Pulley looked bent due to the amount the shaft deflected. Had PS and PB the entire time so it did not run dry.
The oil sample can be used in a snow globe! Yeah thought the shaft seal went bad and thought there was air in the return line. Except the white paper towel stayed silver... The oil coming out of everything has visible silver metal flakes in it. So total bearing failure and something else ground up no doubt. The pump was stiff to turn - not sure why it didn't just lockup.
So with part numbers that can be read in the PS oil: Can you flush a booster and power steering box and get this stuff out or is replacement/rebuild the only way?
Not that it matters to me at the moment as the parts in question are being replaced due to a covered part failure of the PS pump. (Real PIA job for the booster and just did the box anyway!) Installed a reman pump and it didn't make 10 miles or 30 min. Was leaking bad and coated everything under the hood including oil coating the belt.
Old OEM pump, oil free, to the right.
You see it the shaft is on the metal of the seal on one side and not touching the seal at all on the other shown in the pic. Pulley looked bent due to the amount the shaft deflected. Had PS and PB the entire time so it did not run dry.
The oil sample can be used in a snow globe! Yeah thought the shaft seal went bad and thought there was air in the return line. Except the white paper towel stayed silver... The oil coming out of everything has visible silver metal flakes in it. So total bearing failure and something else ground up no doubt. The pump was stiff to turn - not sure why it didn't just lockup.
So with part numbers that can be read in the PS oil: Can you flush a booster and power steering box and get this stuff out or is replacement/rebuild the only way?