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Possible bad Diff?


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We got some snow over the weekend which lead me to use my 4x4 getting up my hill. Upon getting to lock in 4x4 I would accelerate and of course, tires slip. But upon slowing down, it would catch and give me a very loud cluck along with a headsnap, All of this was in 2wd. Any opinons?
was the clunk coming from the front diff or transfer case or the rear diff? i recently blew up my stock rear locker
was the clunk coming from the front diff or transfer case or the rear diff? i recently blew up my stock rear locker

Definalty the rear. I've never changed the front or rear diff fluids since new. Maybe im low in the rear. I've heard of the trucks being low from the factory.
not sure about low fluid being the problem. mine blew up from trying to lock in under a heavy load, one of the pins that hold the spider gears in place worked its way out and starting whacking the pinion gear every time it came around :eek:
yup. once it breaks you will definately know what the problem is then. sucks to do it that way. might not hurt to do a fluid change. maybe drain and pop the cover off to take a look. maybe save a $500+ job and make it a 50 to 100. plus save the aggrivation of getting stuck somewhere when your already running late. that murphys law thing usually works well unfortunately
yup. once it breaks you will definately know what the problem is then. sucks to do it that way. might not hurt to do a fluid change. maybe drain and pop the cover off to take a look. maybe save a $500+ job and make it a 50 to 100. plus save the aggrivation of getting stuck somewhere when your already running late. that murphys law thing usually works well unfortunately

Good advice...
I just got to thinkin that it may have been the slack coming out of the differential when it locked up. I seem to remember mine doing something similar just not as severe. It would do it when i would have wheel spin around the speeds that the locker locks and unlocks.