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Poll Week of 10/18/09 What kind of internet service do you have?

What kind of interenet service do you have?

  • Dial Up

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • DSL

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Cable

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • Wireless Card from Cell Phone Provider

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • Satellite

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Other please explain

    Votes: 6 10.5%

  • Total voters


Proud Rider of the Short Bus
Reaction score
Carnesville, Georgia
So what kind of internet service do you have at home? Is it reliable? Cost?

This one hits home this week. We have been without service for almost a week, hence the delay with the new poll. We have Windstream DSL and it sucks. You have to reboot the modem at least a couple of times a day.:mad2:
It's our only high speed option except for satellite. Our service with phone and long distance runs us $55 a month.
I had to vote other. There is no option for all of the above! I have to remote access a lot of systems and still have some set up on us robotics modems as out of band access. I have to be connected 24/7 so I have back up for my backup. During the hurricane I set up one of our satellite systems in my yard to work from home for the week that we had no electricity. I ran a line by the road so the electric company guy's and whoever else needed could access their email. I was popular :D. We are currently testing a new, very fast, wireless broadband setup, shhhh!
Cost? To me? NONE!
I We are currently testing a new, very fast, wireless broadband setup, shhhh!
Cost? To me? NONE!
I like the sound of that.

And I really did not think that anyone would have all of the above. You are far more technologically inclined than I.
Cable through brighthouse. Internet, VoIP & TV. Runs right at $120 a month with tax for all three.

Phone and internet are great. Their digital cable sucks- the box has to be re-booted almost every day which may just be the box.

That and Verizon FiOS are the high speed options around here but the cable co blows the slimeballs from Verizon out of the water price and service wise.
Wireless broadband from a radio tower in town a few miles away. Pretty fast until it isn't connected (or seeing the signal) which is happening more frequently these days. They can't figure it out...:mad2:
About $30 a month. Been thinking about the Verizon setup.
Wireless broadband from a radio tower

x2 for me. We lucked out though because previous home owner left the $500 gizmo on the house that puts us on a different frequency than most everyone else. Installer said we don't have to worry about any interference. Not exactly sure on the details, but it's lightening fast compared to the satellite I was using before. Plus $10/month cheaper to boot.
Comcast Cable Internet here. Phone, cable and internet all together to the tune of $130 a month. As far as I'm concerned its all over priced for what you get.
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I have Comcast (read Comcrap) here and I hate it. It may have a higher advertised speed that AT&T DSL but the DSL was more reliable and always a consistent speed, in the 2 years we had DSL is was down twice..... once for 4 hours do to an upgrade and once for 4 hours due to a power outage.

the cable service here suck sand if I could get DSL in this house I would.
I have no idea, but I also have to unplug the little blinkly light box all the time and when the land line rings it dont work :eek:
I have an Air Card through AT&T wireless, it's the only high speed we can get. We get 3G in our area so it is as fast as DSL most of the time and it is protable.
Comcast Cable Internet here. Phone, cable and internet all together to the tune of $130 a month. As far as I'm concerned its all over priced for what you get.

I've got the same. Not sure on the cost. I let my wife pay that because if I saw it I would probably cancel the HBO & starz package. Right now I am posting from my cell phone though.