So leaving house today, was a noticeable struggle to start, but not enough to keep me from leaving house.
Over the course of the day, each start got harder and harder. Finally, on what was my drive home, it allllmost didn't turn over. Went home, unloaded merch, and headed to AutoZone to have batteries tested will full intentions of having to buy new ones.
Get to store, of course, truck has to be off to test batteries, turn off truck. LH battery: bad, RH battery: you guessed it, bad.
Now I had been saving up reward points for this purchase exactly, so I was at the right place to get what I needed. Unfortuneatly this particular store didn't even have 2 of the 34/78s, so he found another local one that it. Now I just had to get there. With a 900amp booster, jumper cables to another deep cycle in the trunk of a cobolt (with sound system) [thanks again stranger!] AND jumper cables to ANOTHER deep cycle rolled out on a cart. Still no dice.
I get a ride to collect batteries (both manufacture date 9/14 for which I am very happy with), come back to original store where truck got left, at this point, it's past closing. I first try and just jump what I have with both Optimas (2 sets of jumper cables), nothing more. Which was fairly dis-concerning, but went ahead and installed in the dark but with a big smile :agreed:
Turn key, and the starter was struggling even more then when truck was trying to be jumped with booster and 2 deep cycles! I was appalled. Tried again a couple more times, and then I hear the relay pop from under hood :mad2: Now turning key to start position does nothing, aux still as normal. So needing a $10 part, at a store I am parked 10ft away from, but still have to bum a ride home.
How on earth could Optima sell batteries that are not fully charged?!
I went back and disconnected batteries and hooked them both up to their own 1.5amp trickle charger/maintainer. Heading back in the morning to raise hell...and get a new relay.
Has anyone else installed these batteries in their trucks? Any thing specific I should be aware of with these batteries? I did read not to charge them at a rate higher than 10amps, which is why I went back to hook up trickles over night. If they don't want more than 10amps, I'm afraid to find out what a jump start may do to them.
Over the course of the day, each start got harder and harder. Finally, on what was my drive home, it allllmost didn't turn over. Went home, unloaded merch, and headed to AutoZone to have batteries tested will full intentions of having to buy new ones.
Get to store, of course, truck has to be off to test batteries, turn off truck. LH battery: bad, RH battery: you guessed it, bad.
Now I had been saving up reward points for this purchase exactly, so I was at the right place to get what I needed. Unfortuneatly this particular store didn't even have 2 of the 34/78s, so he found another local one that it. Now I just had to get there. With a 900amp booster, jumper cables to another deep cycle in the trunk of a cobolt (with sound system) [thanks again stranger!] AND jumper cables to ANOTHER deep cycle rolled out on a cart. Still no dice.
I get a ride to collect batteries (both manufacture date 9/14 for which I am very happy with), come back to original store where truck got left, at this point, it's past closing. I first try and just jump what I have with both Optimas (2 sets of jumper cables), nothing more. Which was fairly dis-concerning, but went ahead and installed in the dark but with a big smile :agreed:
Turn key, and the starter was struggling even more then when truck was trying to be jumped with booster and 2 deep cycles! I was appalled. Tried again a couple more times, and then I hear the relay pop from under hood :mad2: Now turning key to start position does nothing, aux still as normal. So needing a $10 part, at a store I am parked 10ft away from, but still have to bum a ride home.
How on earth could Optima sell batteries that are not fully charged?!
I went back and disconnected batteries and hooked them both up to their own 1.5amp trickle charger/maintainer. Heading back in the morning to raise hell...and get a new relay.
Has anyone else installed these batteries in their trucks? Any thing specific I should be aware of with these batteries? I did read not to charge them at a rate higher than 10amps, which is why I went back to hook up trickles over night. If they don't want more than 10amps, I'm afraid to find out what a jump start may do to them.