Wife was going to work yesterday and the battery was dead.
I put the charger on it for a short period of time and it started right up.
I was checking the usual dome lights and whatever. Didn't find anything.
When I turned the truck off the lift pump stayed running much longer than usual and the gauge still read 40 lbs.
I'm letting it warm up no to see if when the oil is warm the pressure bleeds off faster.
It's not near as cold now - 38 degrees as it was Sunday night.
Has anybody heard of anything like this?
Any ideas on why the oil pressure isn't going down?
5w30 Amsoil. Not that it matters but I had the oil tested a 1000 miles ago at 11,000 on the oil change. They said the oil was still good to go. I changed the engine oil cooler lines and the oil then.
After it was running and warmed up the lift pump shut down as it should.
I put the charger on it for a short period of time and it started right up.
I was checking the usual dome lights and whatever. Didn't find anything.
When I turned the truck off the lift pump stayed running much longer than usual and the gauge still read 40 lbs.
I'm letting it warm up no to see if when the oil is warm the pressure bleeds off faster.
It's not near as cold now - 38 degrees as it was Sunday night.
Has anybody heard of anything like this?
Any ideas on why the oil pressure isn't going down?
5w30 Amsoil. Not that it matters but I had the oil tested a 1000 miles ago at 11,000 on the oil change. They said the oil was still good to go. I changed the engine oil cooler lines and the oil then.
After it was running and warmed up the lift pump shut down as it should.
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