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Oops...just kill me now...


Snow looming...run!!
Reaction score
Apple Valley, Minnesota
I'm kind of a nut for installing different things looking for just the right programs...I have a bit of experience with puters and have learned how to clean things up, and if I fail, nuke and pave...

I installed the latest and greatest Norton burning suite this last weekend on my new Beta Windows 7 install...the install did not set a restore point like install programs usually do, and I didn't stop it to set one. Oops...big mistake.

It ended up not to my liking...took tons of resources, forever to load, and on top of that didn't do what I needed.
So I try to uninstall, hmm...no uninstall program...something must've gone wrong on the install 'cause that's always there. I must've been doing too many things or something to cause an issue.

I ended up in the registry with the old f3, del, and enter keys for an embarrassing amount of time.

So let this be a lesson...set those restore points unless you know how to fix things. It can save your system and a lot of time.
Speaking of problems...I just got this...

Blue screen error caused by a device or driver

You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.
No, I was about 2 seconds into a video file played by windows media player.

Sorry Ozz....Didnt mean to jack your thread.
No, I was about 2 seconds into a video file played by windows media player.

Sorry Ozz....Didnt mean to jack your thread.
Hey Nick, was that with your new Vid Card, if so you can uninstall it, reboot and reinstall it again with the latest drivers. Some vid cards will cause many problems, btw media players causes hell with some vid cards
No, I was about 2 seconds into a video file played by windows media player.

Sorry Ozz....Didnt mean to jack your thread.

NP bud...jack away...I was just posting a little warning for members to take care when installing. You jacking the thread just gives it more exposure anyways...

I'm off to the Casino/Hotel for a freebie...will catch up from there...:wave:
Speaking of problems...I just got this...

Blue screen error caused by a device or driver

You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.

Oooo, I hate seeing the blue screen. Knock on wood I haven't had any major computer problems for over a year know. Getting rid of Norton seemed to clear up a number of my problems. Stopped using IE and running Firefox now. That got rid of a lot of freeze-ups.

Not bad considering my computers are probably considered ancient. Laptop is 4 years old, desktop is 7 I think. Whenever XP first came out.