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Oil Pressure Sender


Trust but, verify
Staff member
Reaction score
Salado, Texas
This is for and from my 1993 Chevrolet C3500

Last week I started having problems with starting and running over 2,000 RPM on my truck. I tested out my LP and it still worked. But, it was not working while the motor was running. So I decided to replace the OPS. Here is two pictures of were it is located:



I purchased one from O-Reilly's with a lifetime warranty. Here is a pic:


I shortly attempted to replace this without the special tool. It was not happening, there is just not enough room in that small space. I purchased the tool pictured below:


All the tools needed for this procedure is a long extension, socket driver, the special tool pictured above, flat tip screw driver to get the wire connector off, and a 10MM socket to remove the cover.


I took the one that went belly up apart and it looked brand new. I could not find anything wrong with it at all. Here is a pic:


If anybody wants the old one to make the fancy wire connector for the OPS bypass for shipping cost only it is yours.
To test the lift pump on a 1993 model 6.5TD here is what you do.

Remove the cover pictured below:


Once removed pull the fuse out of the holder/cover. It is behind my hand in the below picture. Then touch it to any of the metal studs sticking out of the fire wall. Like pictured below:


You should immediately hear the LP turn on when you touch one of the metal studs sticking out on top of the fuse against the studs on the fire wall. If you do not hear anything your lift pump is bad.
Thanks for the good write up with pictures

I got one of those OPS from Kragen too, and it started crapping out pretty quick, so the OPS relay mod is highly advised. Its just fine with the relay mod, although I did notice higher oil pressure reading too.
Hmmm....My 93 does not have that fuse...It probably should..the wiring is so butchered in it. I just scored a GM wiring manual for 93's. Yeah that thing is a bitch without the socket. I got a Kent Moore one off egay.