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North America Smog Check, EPA cert, vehicle inspection States


What T F, over
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Nashport, Ohio
Thought it would be worth knowing where the Feds bully drivers the most, as far as EPA checks, Smog checks, vehicle inspections and what exactly is involved.

*And to distinguish between EPA checks and overall vehicle inspections - that is - if there is a separation...*

I know Ohio does not do any of the above. There is a box on our registration titled 'EPA' and in that box is the letter 'N'. 'Y' of course being yes.

So I guess this is a roll call for North America...

All other Countries please feel free to chime in also.

For me, this could influence where I would relocate to, if I should want to MOVE. ;)
Canada has laws on the books, but they're pretty wishy washy.

In a nutshell, they apply to OEM and they have to sell vehicles that are compliant with the US federal regulations.

Quite frankly, I've never seen them enforced outside of dope smoking, tree hugging, needle pushing, Vancouver BC and population choking politically correct southern Ontario.

BC is called "AirCare" and I think Ontario was calling it "Drive Clean".

There is some talk of BC scrapping their program though.

Canada is still the land of road going 2 stroke smoke.......;)
in IL gas vehicles only get smog checked every 2 years for 15 years after the vehicle was manufactured. but diesel vehicles have no inspections or smog checks at all. all you got to do is pay the registration fee and your good to go.
Never been smog checked. LOL .. I've had a few that burned more oil than fuel, too!

Up here, we call that 'bug repellent'.
No smog in MN, but the police can enforce it if they think your vehicle doesn't meet emission standards.
Washington only has SMOG check every other year in Clark, King, Pierce, Snohomish and Spokane Counties.

Vehicles exempt from testing:
Certain hybrid vehicles that have an efficiency rating of at least 50 miles per gallon for city driving.
2009 and newer passenger cars, SUVs, vans, and pickup trucks that are certified to California emission standards.

Linky: http://www.dol.wa.gov/vehicleregistration/emissions.html